Sunday, April 23, 2006

The song I've been singing to Cliff

Lately, I've been listening to John Prine and Iris Dement a lot, both together and seperately.  There's one totally silly song they sing together that I've decided is our theme song, mine and Cliff's (although not every detail applies to us).  When I sing it to Cliff, he smiles, and even chuckles (although it hurts him to laugh right now).  I won't post all the words because somebody might take offense, but here are the lyrics to the chorus of "In Spite Of Ourselves" (Go ahead and google the whole song, if you dare):

In spite of ourselves, we'll end up a-sittin' on a rainbow.
Against all odds, Honey, we're the big door prize.
We're gonna spite the nose right off of our faces;
There won't be nothin' but big ole' hearts dancin' in our eyes. 


  1. I am still in prayer for you both. Glad that you feel like singing and glad that Cliff feels up to laughing. Helen

  2. That's funny D, and sweet.  You make SURE you get him to blow into that plastic thingy with the ball every few hours, whether Respiratory comes or not.  If he can't do it yet, just try to get him to take a few good, deep breaths, think about filling his lungs up all the way to the bottom, hold it , and exhale.  That will help "exercise" his lungs and prevent pneumonia.  You don't want that with a cracked chest.

    All my Love,

    *so glad*

  3. I can just hear you singing right now !  It's so great that things have worked out so well and I know you will both make the most of the days you have together - you always do !  How blessed you are !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. So happy Cliff is doing well! And that you are hangin in! ;0)
    Cont to pray for you both dear.
    God Bless,

  5. I took your dare!  ROFL  Then I just had to copy and paste the lyrics in an email to my Pete, with certain lines highlighted.  That's good that Cliff feels like cuttin' up a little.  Humor is one of God's great another...with you he has both!  -- BArbara

  6. Oh, what a song!  I took your dare and laughed my head off.  I can just see you sitting in that hospital room with all its serious machinery, singing that song.  

  7. ROFL!! Yep, took the dare and googled the lyrics... I LOVE it!

  8. sounds very appropriate to me LOL....Hugs to you both...Ora and Mixon

  9. Laughter is always so good!!  I love when I hear singing and laughter coming down the halls from one of the patients rooms.  It lifts the spirits of everyone within earshot!

  10. Laughter is the best medicine!  He may not be able to let out a rip roaring belly laugh, but just to know that you are making him WANT to.. is a good thing! :)


  11. Good goin' for you both. Paula

  12. so happy that you and cliff has this song to laugh too. Happy Cliff is doing good.

  13. Hooray!  It sounds like you are both in good spirits.

    Prayers coming your way for Cliff's speedy recovery . . .  and may you find lots more silly songs to keep a smile on his face!!!  ;-)


  14. Sweet.  That's all well and good, Mosie -- but you need to get some rest and take care of yourself during all this.  Please?  I love you.


  15. Still praying.

    Have a good time every chance you get!

  16. Carlene sent me this way. I will pray for you and your family. I am going to go check out the song.

  17. A positive song for a positive attitude, a win, win situation.  

  18. lots of love and prayers sent to you from Sugars' fan club! love,natalie

  19. Just being there for him will be some of the best medicine. And I'm sure the songs help too.  Still keeping you in my heart and prayers.

  20. My husband and I are both John Prine fans, and I do know that song ... LOL     I'm so glad to hear that Cliff is doing well.  What a relief it has to be for you.  I'm praying that he continues to improve as quickly as he has been.  God Bless, Tina

  21. You guys are so cute. :-)  I hope Cliff is feeling like his old self again really soon!

  22. Hi (((M)))  Just popping in to check on your Cliff...too sweet that you sing to him.  Hope the heart racing is remedied. ;) C .

  23. Hi,

    I was just checking to see how Cliff was doing...I hope he is improving each day.  Prayers are still being sent your way.  Take care of YOU too!


  24. I thing that is a great song!  The lyrics had me laughing.  

    I'm glad to hear he is doing good-the singing, chuckling and your heart healthy recipes must be doing the trick!  My uncle had a bypass surgery a few weeks ago and is doing good as well.

    I hope you are doing well too, and healing good from the cattle guard run in.  Jeff
