Thursday, April 13, 2006

a picture taken at sunrise

Sadie and I spent last night in the cabin; on the way back to the house this morning, I noticed my favorite cottonwood tree is putting on leaves.  The shade of this lone tree has always been a popular spot for livestock to rest in summertime, and many's the time I've sat down in the grass there and leaned back against a Jersey cow with her eyes half-closed, chewing her cud. 

My "older" readers (those in my age group) may recall the old "Tammy" movies, and the line in the song "Tammy" that says, "I hear the cottonwood whispering above...".  Cottonwood trees really do whisper; it's a most comforting sound.  We used to have one in our yard, but Cliff didn't like the little wisps of cotton it shed because they have a glue-like substance that makes them stick to a car, messing up the shine.  Besides, the tree was hollow, and liable to fall down and smash something.

"When I win the lottery" I shall have cottonwood trees in my yard, and hire someone to clean Cliff's car. 


  1. Beautiful sunset!

  2. ah yes (same age group lol) when I did the volunteer work for Shambala Preserve in CA they had many Cottonwoods there.. at times it even looked as if it was snowing from them!!  They can be a tad messy..but nice shade trees, as you pointed out!

  3. Beautiful sunrise. Bet Sadie wondered where her nice comfy bedroom was. Hope you win the lottery soon. LOL. Have a nice day! Helen

  4. Beautiful picture.  Oh I can hear the song now, "Tammy, Tammy, Tammy's in love" !!! Thanks for that memory !

  5. I remember the song!!!
    I love Cotton wood tress, love to sit out & listen to them! However, I know what Cliff means too. LOL

  6. Thanks for the view and the song!

  7. Cotton wood trees are very pretty but the shedding is a pain. We have some in the neighborhood and sometimes it looks like a snow storm in some yards. mine doesn't get too bad but I do have some cotton on my flowers and that doesn't make me happy... usually the iris.  Hope you had a good nights sleep in your cabin. Sandra

  8. WHEN I WIN THE LOTTERY - that 's one of my favorite sayings!  Maybe we will some day!  'On Ya' - ma

  9. Beautiful picture! Barbara

  10. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!! I read some where that it is only the female cottonwoods that shed cotton so if you talk to a nursery maybe you could get a male cottonwood and not have to wait for the lottery, LOL. Take care.
                                                        HUGS, CYNDY

  11. WEll, I remember the Tammy movies. Now I am going to be humming that song all day long.  Can Luke and I come and sit under the tree some day?   Anne

  12. Nice picture!  I hadn't thought of Tammy movies in ages....and ages.  

  13. I love to listen to cottonwood trees too but wouldn't like the mess since I clean my own truck. Nice picture. Paula

  14. What a perfect picture you put in my mind, of not only that old cottonwood tree, but also, of you, leaning back against a Jersey cow, and relaxing on a nice spring day!  
    I do remember those old Tammy movies, and especially that song!  Always one of my favorites!

    Thanks for the picture.. and the memories! ;)


  15. what a beautiful picture.

  16. Good Luck on that lottery thing! I remember Tammy too.
