Sunday, August 19, 2007

rain... and lightning!

Cliff, me, and two grandchildren were eating our lunch of mashed potatoes, noodles and tomatoes when lightning struck so close and loud that we all yelped like wounded pups.  The lights blinked briefly; I ordered the grandson to turn off the computer and we continued with our meal.

After lunch Cliff went back out to the shop and realized he didn't have any electricity.  Upon checking things out, he found a blown fuse.  Or I should say a blown-UP fuse.

Then he noticed something strange had happened to the tree in front of the shop.  Oh, it seems to be undamaged.  But a birdhouse one of the granddaughters built had been blasted to smithereens.  We didn't have any high winds, so the lightning-strike had to have done it.  And I wonder if any moles lost their lives when the lightning exited through their burrows.

Cliff just sold our Gold Wing on Craigslist.  Can you believe it?  I'm in shock.


  1. I'm glad that no one was struck. I hope that lightening didn't damage the tree roots. I see a strange dog where Cliff is. Bet Cliff sold the Gold Wing because his sister and BIL are moving and he loved to ride along with them on your trips. I know you both are going to miss it. Uh Oh, wonder if he wants that mower he was riding that turns on a dime. LOL Helen

  2. Wow! That was fast!

  3. SOld it?!  I thought I read last you decided to keep it.  :(

    Can you imagine if you had seen that lighning strike...that would have been cool.  Gotta be careful around those kind of storms...cannot belive what it did to the tree and birdhouse.  Amazing was the right word for it.

  4. Hmmmmmmm....... sold the Gold Wing ...... lightening strike.....could be a sign !!!!
    :|      Know you will miss the rides ! Maybe Cliff will buy a "3-wheeler" .

  5. Hi I'm new to your journal and I have read all on this page, very interesting I'll mark you for alerts and back so I can get to know you better. My journal is called Do You Remember - I'm a senior citizen and don't know one darn thing about writing a journal, I have dial up service, slower than molassas, and just swore I would never try to post another picture in an entry. GG/Jackie

  6. Hey who's dog you're calling strange! LOL Just kidding.  He *is* strange, but we love him.

  7. Wow!  Glad it was away from the house!  

  8. Wow thats quite a sight to see, a split in the ground like that, and the birdhouse blowing apart is something else too!

  9. Lightening?? YIKES! I'm sure glad nobody got hurt and your house was ok. My sister in Alabama had lightening strike a tree, and the strike burrowed through the ground to her house, blew up the bricks on her porch and ruined all of her appliances! Luckily there wasn't a fire!! Scary stuff!
    I'm still shocked that the motorcycle is sold.

  10. I'm surprised I didn't think you would sell it. I'm kind of glad though because I know two sad tales which I didn't want to get morbid and tell here in case you kept it. Maybe you can go on short rode trips in your car or truck? Paula

  11. WOW that is some lightening to do all that!!  Our home in FL got hit by lightening once... you know they call it the lightening state down there.  It blew out the phone and a couple of tv's and some video game systems and a whole wall of outlets and what a mess to straighten out all that stuff.  Hugs,

  12. You just had to have a lightening story to beat mine.  Fine.  Whatever.  

    Really cool, though!
