Friday, May 4, 2007

Iris with a strong will

The week of hard-freeze temperatures we had here nipped the leaves off the trees and killed flowers, including most of the iris in my yard.

So I was surprised today to find that a few hardy flowers insisted on blooming anyway.

In normal years I'd have taken dozens of Iris for granted.  But because each bloom is so rare this year, I celebrate each and every one, few though they be.

Like this one at the corner of the garage.



  1. That iris is so very beautiful, wish I had a whole gardenful .. don't I sound greedy?  I'm going to plant a few things very soon.   Have a wonderful weekend!  Judy

  2. what a beautiful color ive only seen purple irises

  3. I find it amazing that the plants can survive the harsh winter temperatures.

  4. The Iris is my all time favorite flower, but I can't remember ever seeing one that color.  Beautiful.


  5. We don't have in iris's blooming here yet, but they are lovely. Lots of things got nipped here too, but right now our lilacs are blooming and they are very fragrant.
    Hope that sun shines for you today!  'On Ya' - ma

  6. That is a beautiful Iris.  I have the purple..  I don't reckon I have seen that color of yours before, if I have I havent seen many.  It is really pretty. Glad you got some flowers even after the freeze.

  7. I have a good story too. I dug up some irises (about 40 different kinds) last year and being lazy I never got them replanted. I piled them up at the end of the driveway.  They are now blooming like crazy! Nature always finds a way. That is a beautiful Iris you have.

  8. That is beautiful. Glad the cold weather missed it so you can enjoy the beauty of it. Helen

  9. My Iris' had a strong will die.  
    Rain today...lots of it...helping our drought situation.  I love it.  Could run around out there in it. thinks I will just watch it from the window.  LOL.  Hope you are having a good weekend.

  10. I only have three this year because of the ice...we call them Flags in the country. :-)

  11. A beautiful color of iris. Never seen that color before. Once I had white and purple and the white took over the others. Paula

  12. What a beautiful color of iris!  Mine are living, but I don't think I'll get as many blooms as I usually do.  Maybe I just need to separate them a bit.

  13. I love Iris.  I have a cousin with that name and I've always been jealous!  I plan to have some in my yard next year!.
