Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Forty years ago tonight

My water broke that night when I was getting ready for bed, so Cliff and my mom and me (and my baby, whoever he would turn out to be) headed for the Conley Maternity Clinic in Kansas City.

Several women decided to have babies on the same night, and I was alone for the most part in whatever room they put women in labor back then, not having a clue what was going on.  I was scared to death.  I was bleeding, and nobody was there to tell me I'd be OK.  Cliff and my mom were in a waiting room downstairs, knowing even less than I did about what was happening.  They finally wheeled me to a delivery room, and in the wee hours of May 10, my little boy was born.

In spite of the fact that he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck three times and my doctor didn't show up until after he was born, he has done pretty darned well.

And anyone who was there would tell you that he was the prettiest baby in the nursery.

He was the best Mother's Day present I've ever had.

Happy birthday, Jimmy.

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  1. You have a very goodlooking son mosie....And he has a great mama!!! HAPPY 4OTH BIRTHDAY JIMMY!!!
    Being in Labor was a lot different back then wasn't it??? Now you can have someone with you and you know what the baby is months before it is born!
    love ya,

  2. My dear God, Mosie, it's a wonder both of you didn't meet Jesus that night. I am so thankful that the family now knows more about what is happening and that Men are allowed to be in the same room.  It was awful the way pregnant women were handled back then.  I can't remember, did they give us a bullit to bite back then?  What a wonderful Mother's Day that keeps giving and giving.  Anne

  3. He is very handsome! I can see resemblance to both of you.

  4. What a hunk!!!  Very handsome!  You should be very proud, Donna!

    Happy Birthday Jimmy!!


  5. A very Happy Birthday to Jimmy. Paula

  6. A very Happy Birthday to Jimmy! The best of us were born today! Yep too! ;)


  7. A Happy Birthday to your son and Happy Mother's Day to you !  'On Ya' - ma

  8. Happy Birthday Guy!

  9. Happy Birthday to Jimmy. Helen

  10. Happy Birthday to your son!  Linda

  11. That's one good looking boy! You and Cliff did GOOD! Happy Birthday to the Birthday Boy!

  12. happy Birthday Jimmy, wow he looks so much like his Dad!!!

  13. Yep! I'd say he's done pretty darn good myself. (from the looks of him)  You have a right to be a "proud" Mother.  

  14. Happy birthday to Jim...

  15. Donna, your son is a handsome fella :) is he married?

  16. LOL.  Yep, he's married.
