Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Why so many blogs and journals?

I have too many journals, let's face it:  There's my heart-health journal, with which I've become bored; it's served its purpose, and I'll probably delete it, although I'll do an occasional entry here letting you know whether we're maintaining, losing, or gaining weight.  Then I have my memory journal.  I like it, and I'll probably leave it there even if I seldom update it.

This has been my main place for blogging, and it's served the purpose just fine.

Trouble is, I don't have a lot of confidence in AOL being around forever; if they were losing money when people paid to have them, how are they going to stay solvent by giving away their service?  That's why I started my latest journal on Blogspot.  I didn't want to make the same entries in that one as I do here, so I'm more or less alternating between this one and the new one.

The only reason I don't leave this one alone entirely is that I know once I leave J-land, I will lose some long-time readers.  Some people find it difficult to go anywhere else to read journals, and I've seen a few people take it as a down-right personal offense when folks move to Blogspot!

So, there's your explanation. 


  1. True, some people do take 'the leave' as an insult to them personally ... and although I find it cumbersome to have/maintain/remember my user name at blogspot, I do stop by and read some 'old' friends journals.  

  2. Actually, I mirror my aol journal to blogspot.. like you said very few who real the aol journal read the blogspot one.  Rather then try to think of 2 things to write about I only do one...  then those who only read aol have one and those that read blogspot read the same thing..   you get different comments from different people.

  3. I too have a lot, but each is for something totally different & I love them
    Except the Blogspace one is basically like my main journal here & I find myself only writing in it once a week. Can't seem to get my readers to go over...they have been once or twice. They say they forget about it. Not sure how long I'll keep it.
    Hugs, Sugar

  4. I have three journals but I have let two of them sit and rot for a while.  I, too, have little faith in AOL.  It would be sad if it ended though.  I love J-land and don't have the same connection with people on other blogs.

  5. Since I do not depend on alerts and use Newsgator it does not matter to me what journal you use. Ia m having some trouble with some blogger journals because Blogger is switching things with beta and stuff. I have a journal on blogger but I do not update it. I may delete it and start new some day over there. But for now I am comfortable here.

  6. I am right there with you.  I have a new journal in J-Land that is not mirrored on Blogspot so I better get to it.  I don't trust AOL and I've maintained Blogspot and Wordpress blogs for quite some time.

    I hope J-Land hangs in there because I know I would lose some good friends that don't venture out of AOL's world.

    I have you added to Google Reader.  :-)


  7. You know I also have several journals and yesterday I mixed up by posting an entry in one that should have been in another. Oh dear !  Each one of these serves it's own special purpose so I'll be keeping them all too !  I must remember to bookmark your other journal on blogger so I can check it occasionally too.  Glad you haven't forgotten us in J-land.  I do so enjoy your rides with Blue and your sometimes very imformative posts.  'On Ya' - ma

  8. Well Mo, you know I'm one of the folks who has trouble navigating these journals sites.  I barely make aol work.  So I hope you don't give up on posting on this journal.  I do visit your other journal, when I remember it, but of course I can't figure out how to post a response to you.  Guess it wouldn't matter if I got my two cents said on your posts, so do what you will.  Boo

  9. Glad you are sticking around. I tried Blogspot and did NOT like it.  As far as AOL.....the money is in the advertizing and I think that seems ever more present everyday.  I am leaving this Friday for London, England and plan to take pictures. Pray for a safe trip for me.....I am really nervous.   Anne

  10. I have tried a couple other blog sites (free ones) while remaining here in J-Land.  I just haven't found one that I'm comfortable with.  Seems harder to make comments and to get news of an entry.  Blessings, Penny

  11. I like your memory journal when you do post in it. Paula

  12. AOL will always be around. Even if they merged with another company they wouldnt do away with the journals. Blogging is too popular. I looked into other blogs to try but they dont have all of the creative options here. Actually, very few ISP servers do. Not trying to blow smoke up AOL corporate behinds but we really are getting some cool options here. ~Raven

  13. I'm guilty of forgetting of your journal over there.  Seems that I focus only on AOL journals mostly.  I love your journal Donna....and I hope you don't leave AOL.  

  14. There would be a big hole in my life if I should loose your entries.  As I have said before...You are my connection to reality...THE COUNTRY.  The heart health journal has been a big inspiration also.  I have now lost 10.5 lbs, due to your influence and the great research you have done on the web. (I don't have time for research) Please give us a countdown before deleting that site so I can copy all the info I need.  I don't visit the memory journal often (time restraints) but I will make more of an effort now.  I haven't yet learned to put comments on the blogspot.

  15. To me, there is a feeling of community here that isn't there on blogspot.  I have a couple of journals other than my main one.  But they are for a series of entries I did in my main journal and it's just easier to link directly to them that way.  I'll be here, I reckon until there isn't a here.  -  BArbara
