Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Critter report

I bundled up and took Sadie out; poor thing was going crazy, hoping Cliff and I would take our walk.  I tossed the Frisbee for her a few times.  It was hilarious to see her run after it and then slide past!

I walked with her in safe places where I knew I wouldn't fall.  The fresh air and sunshine did us both good, even if it is only 8 degrees.  It isn't the temperature that limits me, it's the ice.  Cliff and I have been known to take our walks when it was below zero, and we handled it just fine. 

Sadie and I were only outside for twenty-five minutes, but she is a much more contented doggie now.

The horses are dandy.  Cliff got bedding out of the box stall and spread it in places where they have to walk, so they won't slip and slide getting to food, water, and the shed.

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  1. I'm glad you are well and have heat and electricity!  Important stuff.  I'm glad the animals are all doing well too.  Poor Sadie.  My dogs feel her pain.  They have been cooped up way to much lately due to the mud.

  2. Glad you could get out...fresh air will always clear the cobwebs away....Hugs from KY...Ora

  3. Glad to hear that all is well and Sadie feeling better.  There's so much "warmth" going on at your place even though it's so cold.  Don't take any chances on that ice.  Vicki

  4. That is cold weather. I bet Sadie was ready to go back inside after that exercise. Glad everything is going well and that you still have power. Helen

  5. Glad Sadie got to go outside!!  I bet she loves Frisbee and sliding too!!  That is a good idea about the horses so they won't fall.  Very thoughtful!!  I just know someday I'm going to come visit and go horseback riding with ya!!  Hugs,

  6. Well despite the ice rink out there, it sounds like everyone and all the critters are doing well.

    Stay warm and safe.


  7. So glad yall got out some. I know that Sadie is one happy puppy! Scampi drives me nuts when it is cold. He has no cold tolerance so he does not stay out long when it is cold. He loves playing outside!
    Good idea with the hay. When we get ice I take a steel rake and drag it around to loosen up the ice so it will be bumpy instead of smooth. Times like this is when golfers shoes with spikes come in handy!

  8. I hope all that slick stuff melts soon for everyones sake.  I couldnt stand 8 degrees!  BRRRR!  Its cold enough here for me thanks.  Thankyou for the encouraging words about the founder with Derby.  He has seen the doc and hopefully is on the mend now with a new diet and meds.  Tip loves it when it gets cold, she gets frisky and acts like a nut!  I don't last too long and its time to go IN!

  9. It's good to hear that you and Sadie were able to ge tout and stretch your legs a bit today.  Glad to hear the rest of the critters are doing okay as well.  Warm thought are being beamed your way.

  10. Wow you've got an ice rink in your yard!  Bring on the skates! And look at the icicles hanging off of the silver trailer in the picture with the horses.  COLD!!  
    I bet Sadie was thrilled to get out for awhile.  She's such a good doggie!  I've grown to love your pets and I don't even know them, how funny.
