Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tomorrow we eat morels

After mushroom-hunting several times yesterday and today, I finally have enough for a real FEAST for me and Cliff tomorrow... probably over a half-gallon.  The ones I found this afternoon were fairly close together, all on one hillside.  I love it when that happens.

I can almost taste them now.

Oh, I found my neighbor's kid's coat carefully hung on a branch in one of the better mushroom spots on my place.  Some things never change.  But then I think of all the problems that neighbor has and I realize I wouldn't trade places with him for all the mushrooms in Missouri.
Karma is a mighty force.



  1. I wonder where you can actually buy morels? I know you said they are expensive but I would like to try them at least once.

  2. I see you are soaking them. Tell me how you prepare them please.  I have never had them.  

  3. I've never had morrels, but I'm pretty sure I'd love not only eating them, but the hunting part too!  All that walking and hiking.

    You're right, Karma IS a mighty force.

  4. Good for you finding more to go with what you already had. That's a good way to look at how your neighbors act. Helen

  5. When I started reading this I thought Mosie's poachers have given up and then I read on down and you found a coat. Hummm do you think the kids eat them? Most kids are so picky but I think I would really like them. Paula

  6. I'd never heard of a morel mushroom until reading your journal entries about them.   Gosh, they look like some sort of sea urchins to me, I can't imagine what they tastle like.  Very interesting looking!   Can you compare them in taste to any other common food?  Enjoy .. and I'm sure you will!    Judy

  7. I wonder if I can get them out here? I've never seen them. I'll have to watch for them.

  8. I am just dying to taste these mushrooms!  It's making me crazy!! lol   I saw where you can order them online.  I just may do that!  I just have to have some of them! lol


  9. I don't like mushrooms much but I wonder how they would taste on a pizza??  Have you ever tried that?

  10. I haven't had these for two years, and you're making me crave them.  We call them dry land fish or hickory chickens here.

  11. Glad you found a good amount of morels now. They look great! Kelly

  12. Those look so good!

