Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cliff's garden (ha!)

After a couple of garden-free years around here, mostly due to annual droughts and tomato blight that discouraged me, Cliff took over the gardening last year.

For some reason, cucumber beetles did not kill his vines; tomato blight, although it did appear, didn't manage to wipe out his plants entirely. 

This year once again, Cliff decided to garden.  But somehow I've become involved.  Running the rototiller hurts my knees, but I've done it several times.  I planted corn.  I set out the tomato and pepper plants.  I hilled the taters.  Cliff did the initial tilling (which is the hardest part) and planted the early crops.

So I think I'll stop calling it Cliff's garden.  Look what I brought in from OUR garden today!

A handful of radishes.

Let's see if my claiming half the garden jinxes it.



  1. beautiful radishes.... I hope you enjoy your garden this year

  2. They are larger than what I've been able to grow.  Keep us posted on the harvest.

  3. Oh, they look really good!  Gardening and spring come early to you .... we've just started the planting in the last couple of weeks.

  4. Dear Donna,

    I know I have been AWOL and  I also forgot how much fun your life is.  The livestock, your neighbors, the morels and most of all your cabin.  I can remember sitting on the front step looking out over that wonderful scenery.  You are one lucky lady and now I realize just how much I have missed you.

    Chiquita Bnana

    PS:  The picture of you is great.  :o)

  5. Those are beautiful. Happy gardening to you and Cliff. Helen

  6. Wish I had planted some!  I did plant some heirloom tomatoes and if the squirrels don't get them I will.

  7. I always enjoy your annual mushroom hunting exploits. And a garden too! You two never cease to amaze me.  I wish I had half your energy.

  8. Thats a nice bunch of radish there!  Linda

  9. Those are big!

  10. Wow those are nice looking radishes! Yall already have stuff ready to pick? WOW! That is great. :) Yes, I would say it is Y"ALLS garden. ;) Kelly

  11. Wow! Things growing this time of year - look what we miss living iin the cold climate :-(

