Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blue's too fat

What with all the rain we've had lately plus the big move, Blue hasn't had much exercise other than what he gets in the pasture.  And he isn't the type of horse to run and cavort on his own; what he loves to do is eat (in other words, he fits right in around here).

This evening, finally, I went for a ride.  Looking Blue over from atop him, I could see fat wrinkles in front of the saddle.  His big old "cresty" neck is fatter than usual.  He could founder easily at any time.  I can't let that happen; I went through it once and do NOT want to do it again.  Even a novice can see he's overweight.

At the present time we're without a dry lot, which gives me no option but to keep Blue in the stall most of the time and let him out for perhaps two or three hours a day.  At least until this prime grass-growing season is over.

I wish there were some way I could explain to him why I'm doing this.  He'll just have to trust me.  But I sure do feel guilty.

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  1. Oh yea, he is one chubby boy!  Linda

  2. Ahhh, what a shame.  He looks like he wants to go out.  Kinda like a dog looking thru the screen door.  I give you lots of credit to take care of such a big animal.  It looks like fun but such a responsibility. And uh, what does "founder" mean?    Marlene

  3. Blue is not fat, he is just big boned! That's his story and he's sticking to it. LOL

  4. With those trusting, but sad eyes looking out at me, I'd feel the same way.
    But like all good pet owners (and parents) you do the right thing and usually, the right thing works out.

    Poor Blue.  

  5. well I am sorry Blue has to stay in his stall...for the time being....but you are good to see what he needs...forestalling any bigger problems if let go at the pace he is going....sheesh...wish I had a stall someone could put me in for a time...maybe I could lose more weight that way....oh well...happy day and moving to you....hugs...Ora

  6. Aww poor blue!  If only he understood!  :(  

  7. Awwwwww poor Blue, Hugs Lisa

  8. me and Blue.  Two peas in a pod.  LOL


  9. Poor Blue, he is really watching you. You have to do what is right for him though. Helen

  10. Poor baby. I would feel guilt too. I know if you could find another way you would. But, hopefully he does trust you because he is in good hands.


  11. We are having the opposite problem here.... I wish it would rain, our pastures are barely growing and we are feeding a lot of hay because of it. Luckily, our horses (with the exception of my Boo) seem to -prefer- to be inside during the day. We turn them all out at night with the exception of the stallions. I think they like being in because it gets hot here during the day and the barn is a concrete one and we run the fans while they are in there.... much cooler than out in the hot sun <LOL>

  12. I know what your going through, the guilt, but you know you his Mama, and you know whats best. I hope he doesnt get to distressed over it. Kelly

  13. I recall him gaining weight last year. You took pics of him then. He lost it then, so he'll lose it now. You are a good mom to him!
