Friday, May 30, 2008

Another item LOST

Because we've been moving and Cliff has been tromping through dirt a lot, he's been wearing either his old sneakers or his leather work shoes for the past week.  He was heading off to his sister's this morning and said, "Do you know where my new sneakers are?"

"Aren't they in the shoe rack in the closet?"

"Nope; I looked there."

Now I distinctly remember seeing his good sneakers in the closet at the old house, and picking them up.  That closet was practically empty, and I said to myself, "Oh my goodness; I'd better get Cliff's good shoes!"

Now, a pair of Cliff's shoes isn't something that should be hard to find.  Nobody in this family has tiny feet, myself included.

I have looked in every available place and opened every door.  Cannot find them.



  1. Don't that beat all? I hope one of you finds them soon. Helen

  2. Ask Sadie.  She's up to all kind of shenanigans when you leave the house!  hee hee hee...


  3. dang! poor Cliff, I hope you find them...

  4. I'll bet you got distracted and they are over at the old house somewhere. They'll turn up.

  5. This moving thing ... starting to make you crazy?  

  6.  The sure-fire way to find something is to go buy ...or threaten to buy ... a replacement.  THEN, THE THING CRAWLS OUT FROM WHEREVER IT'S HIDING.

  7.  The sure-fire way to find something is to go buy ...or threaten to buy ... a replacement.  THEN, THE THING CRAWLS OUT FROM WHEREVER IT'S HIDING.

  8. After just listening to my husband throw a tantrum because he couldn't find: Tyler's baseball shirt, his keys, his wallet, Max's shoes, and one of his sneakers... Heck, we don't even have moving as an excuse. LOL

  9. Hope you find Cliff's shoes.  LOL  I have lost several things in the move...but all have been found.  I only have 10 boxes left to unpack.

  10. He wasn't wearing them, was he?

