Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Is this post number four today?

The grandson has a new job with great promise for advancement.  He's working lots of overtime. 

His buddy, Lee, needs to find a place to live, so they're looking at places where the two of them can share the rent.

The grandson has lived here for eight months, and the ultimate goal has been to get him out on his own, self-sufficient.

He's twenty-two.  He needs to be on his own, without people sticking their noses in his business.

So why do I suddenly feel abandoned when I think of him leaving?

If he moves out, I have no control!  I can't force him to save money!

Oh yeah.  I'm not supposed to have all that control, am I?

Funny how we women can get caught up in trying to control someone.

God bless Arick, my first grandchild.  I guess I'll let him have his wings.  If he ever needs to come back, he's welcome.  But I'm sure he'll be fine.  He's been through the school of hard knocks and is much wiser than he was a year ago.
Now playing: Iris Dement - Wasteland of the Free
via FoxyTunes   



  1. He will be fine.  After all, he's not driving to Norman, OK in an '89 Nova with no money, is he?  Wait, did this just become about my son?  LOL  Arick is a good kid.  Let it be.  I need my parking space back.

  2. You did good. You putthe finishing touches on him. He is a man now.

  3. I think you and Cliff have gone a great job with him. I hope he and his friend find a good place to live. May he do good on his journey called life. It's nice to know if he doesn't like it out there your door will always be open for him. Helen

  4. It's HUGE for him to know that he is able to come back if needed. That's a big comfort in itself. Believe me. Let him go to do what he has to do and grow up.
    I know you'll miss him. But, he has to fly.
    Good luck,

  5. Donna, you're the greatest grandmother.  I'm sure he will be fine...after all he has you & Cliff.  I'm sure you both have taught him so much.


  6. When my grandsons were here, I wanted them to find a place of their own.  When they left.......I feel empty.  Some people just can't be satisfied!

  7. We remain nurturers no matter how old we get and love to help those we love.
    I miss those days but haven't the energy I used to so it is good they have their own places now.  Young people also help to keep us young. It's true.  I'd become an old woman fast without their connection to my life.  Thankfully, we'll have them off and on in our days to come.  'On Ya' - ma

  8. You gave him a gift of what it is to be a family -- love and support.  Your sucessful when your children can stand on their own - even when its happy/sad for you.  I`m sure he will be back to visit often as grandpa has that great shop.  Connie

  9. I am glad that Lee will be my son's room mate.

  10. you gave Arick love and support during this hump in the to speak....and I know he has grown by being there with you and listened when he wanted to were quiet when you felt he was not doing the right thing...and you knew it would be another lesson in life....Arick is very luck young have folks who care....about him....and to be is always nice to have a "safety net" (you cna cliff and your home) there if life gets to rocky to handle....God Bless you all....hugs...Ora

  11. I'm so glad he has found a great job, and I'm so glad he had you guys to give him the help and support when he needed it.  I'm sure he'll do fine when he's out on his own.
