Friday, March 31, 2006

Cliff's latest project

Our son-in-law works for a lumber company.  Recently one of their suppliers double-shipped an order of custom-cut metal the same type and color as Cliff's shop.  The stack of barn tin laid around the lumber yard in the way for a long time, until finally Kevin talked them into letting him get it out of their way.  It would have been over $800, if we'd had to buy it.  But we got it free, thanks to our son-in-law!

Since it matches the shop, Cliff is going to add a wing onto the north side of his shop where he can store the steel he's saved up for projects, and also park a couple of tractors.  This will give us more room in the barn for hay, and free up some space in the shop.

After checking his stores of lumber, Cliff found out there isn't much he'll have to buy, except the poles.  I imagine we'll get those this weekend, since he already has the holes dug for them.

Can you see those little metal rods sticking in the holes?  That's where the poles will go.


  1. welcome to my world mosie

  2. FREE!! How cool is that?? :D  You will post some after pics, wont you? :)  They took the covered parts off the sides of the storage shed so that will be yet another project, getting new ones put back up.  Maybe make a closed in workshop on one side.  

  3. Coming by to say hi & wish you a nice weekend. Lucky ya'll, good spring project ahead!

  4. Isn't God good?  He meets our needs and often gives us the desires of our hearts.  So wonderful.  Blessings, Penny

  5. WOW ! Another of God's blessed handiwork. That's so awesome that He provided that for you and Cliff. We will be 'watching' the progress. It's so much fun seeing pictures of your place on here to bring back special memories of our visit there last summer. You and Cliff have such a neat little farm. So glad that you and he are doing so good on your excercise and diet program. Keep up the good work y'all !

    Blessings to you.....Nance and Bill in CA.

  6. that's great!  Free is always good! lol

    looks like Cliff has his work cut out for him!

  7. I am always impressed that you guys built so much yourselves...

    ....and there's no better price than free, huh?!


  8. Well, heck, if he ever runs out of projects at your place, I need a garage, a shed, a porch and some other nifty things!

  9. I wish Cliff lived closer to us...ho hummmmm....but alas no...well hope it works out for him...and bless the children who watch out for Mom and Pop...Hugs....Ora of KY

  10. Oh I read the other one first, now I know what you are going to do with the shed. Hope all goes well with it. Paula

  11. how exciting more room. lol that's always a good thing.

  12. It's always great gettting something for free!!!! Hope the project goes well!!!!

  13. The best part of any project is when the materials are free!  Good for you guys.
