Thursday, August 31, 2006


Now that I have your attention...

When my cousin was here last week, I got out the big lard can in which Mother had stored many of her keepsakes; I knew there were pictures and letters there that Pauline would want to see, in connection with her research on our family tree.

I've been through that pile of stuff dozens of times, but this was one I had missed:  It's my mom's handwriting, I'm pretty sure.  But I didn't know she was ever in Wyoming.

Anyhow, the first thing I thought of when I saw the rattlesnake rattles was this:  The man who first showed me how to chord a guitar, years ago, said that if you put rattlesnake rattles inside a cheap guitar, it'll make it sound like an expensive one.  So since I have a good guitar, I wonder if the rattles would do anything for my Gibson?  Or do they only work on cheap guitars?

I don't think anything would make up for my lack of talent, darn it.

My mom sure did keep some strange things, didn't she?


  1. I have kept rattlers from a rattlesnake before years ago but don't know whatever happened to them. Guess I will never miss them if I don't know what happened to them huh?  Helen

  2. my kids tell me I keep some strange things!!!

  3. I've heard that same thing, Donna...and, in fact, my two older sons did but rattlesnakes tails in their guitars before they got their good ones, and they swore it made them sound better.  I couldn't tell the difference, or maybe I didn't pay attention.


  4. You got my attention! LOL

  5. I couldnt read the note Did it say why she kept them?

  6. When I was going through some of Danny's "treasures" after he died, I too found rattlers he had saved. Dang things made me cry my eyes out for some reason.
    love ya,

  7. Gives a new meaning to the term "Shake Rattle and Roll".
    I hear Elvis believed in it also....

  8. I don't find it strange at all that she kept the rattles. I have a metal can I keep about ten or twelve in. We haven't killed one this summer and we're told the wild hogs are eating them. They say (who ever they is) that the thick layer of fat on the hogs protects the hogs from the snake bites. This is very rattlesnake country here in south texas and it has been most unusual to not find them crossing the country roads. Paula

  9. How nice to find family treasures hiding right in front of you.  I'd never heard of the rattles in the cheep guitar trick, very interesting.  As an owner and picker of several guitars, two of which are Gibsons, my guess is that the rattles are not needed in your Gibson.  I love finding things like this.
