Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm home from the state fair

I had the bright idea that Cliff might as well get us to the fair a day early, so we could get a head start on eating the dollar corn dogs on Thursday by being there when they opened.  So we left Wednesday.

It just happened to be the hottest day of the year, topping out, I believe, at 103.  In fact, when we arrived at 10:30, it was already 98 degrees.

We walked the grounds some, and sat in the air-conditioned Matthewson Center watching the society horse show until the girls got bored.  When we walked out of that building, it was like stepping into a sauna.

Because we were parked next to a source of water, I told the girls to put on their bathing suits and soak themselves in whatever manner possible.  This occupied them for a couple of hours, and also entertained an eight-year-old boy playing under the awning of a nearby camper.

Because we were there early, we had electricity, a rare treat for me at the fair.  I set up a little fan to rotate on both girls as they slept, which helped.  The only other uses I had for the electricity were the camper lights and my perculator coffee pot.  But I was glad to have it!

Forecasts said that opening day, Thursday, would be as hot or hotter than Wednesday.  What had I gotten myself into?


  1. Even though it was HOT it looks like you all had a fun time!

  2. I can't remember what kind of camper you have but I am guessing it doesn't have a/c.   You are a brave woman!!!

  3. Looks like fun. Good thing you had the dishpan and pail to soak your feet.

  4. I'm hoping it got cooler for you all - Wow - that is terrible heat to be out in.  I feel sorry for all the animals in the barns etc. too.  Glad you had the water !  And the fan !  It'll be interesting to see how you all did.  'On Ya' - ma

  5. I do not like heat!  And, heat at a fair, would just make me cranky!  You are one strong woman, Donna! lol  

    Loved the pictures!  Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!


  6. Do those girls realize how lucky they are to have grandparents like you and Cliff? I bet they do!!

  7. Montana always had its state fair in the city I used to live the second week of August; it was always guaranteed that "fair week" would be the hottest temps of all summer. And it always was; I remember walking around in 100+ temps trying to enjoy the fair.


  8. Dang Mosie, if you don't think of everything~! I know your little grand-daughters were sure glad that you had brought those dish pans! I loved the pictures of them sitting in them! lol
    Take care,
    love ya,

  9. Your grandkids are going to remember their camping trips forever with smiles.

  10. Now these are my kind of pictures.  Of course it makes perfect sence to me to be taking pictures of cracked ground.    How else are we going to "feel" how dry it is there for you?
