Thursday, August 24, 2006

another horse video (Yes, I'm a ham)

Riding Blue

AOL does something with these videos that reduces quality, but maybe you'll get the idea.  I wanted you to see Blue's fantastic gait, called a foxtrot.  Notice the characteristic head-nodding, and listen to the rhythm of his feet.  Gaited horses can go at that speed all day without tiring.  It's difficult for riders on Tennessee Walkers and Missouri Foxtrotters to ride with a group on regular trotting horses, because of their speed; the gaited horses are always out in front, and have to stop and wait for quarter horses and such to catch up.

I don't actually have to use my "mounting bucket" to get on Blue, but it's easier on both of us when I do.

Cliff was in the middle of doing something when I enlisted his help as a cameraman, and expressed some frustration at being interrupted; that's what I refer to in the credits of my little movie.



  1. I LOVE YOUR LITTLE MOVIES, Mosie  B. De Mille  (As someone else so wisely called you)! :)

    Keep em' comin'!

    Jackie  :)

  2. Way cool video. Thanks for sharing!

  3. WOW!  I guess I never realized how big Blue is til I saw you on him.  He is a beauty, how long have you had Blue?

  4. That was really good. No wonder you love to ride him. I love to see the horses doing their gaits. We used to have a pony half shetland and half quarter horse who someone had trained to do them and he was beautiful when doing them. They look so proud doing all that stuff and well they should be. Good in Cliff to drop his work to give you a hand in making the video. Helen

  5. I loved the video!  Blue is so beautiful!

  6. How handsome!  I love that head shaking.  LOL  He's gorgeous and he knows it...


  7. He looks so smooth.  I have only ridden a couple of TN walkers they are very nice!

  8. Didn't think I could enjoy your journal any more but I was WRONG.  This is fantastic and I LOVE your credits.  Thank you for such joy.

  9. Meant to say
    "You" haven't been any to easy to keep up with either. Hey! I do like your movie debut.
    Top notch actors, direction and film crew.
    Be seeing you on the red carpet. };?))
