Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Let me try this again

Most of you would give up 43 acres and a home to keep your computer?????

Or any home, for that matter?

See, my whole point was this:  As a homeowner, if you knew that giving up the Internet and Cable TV and cell phones offered you the only chance to keep your house, would you?  Could you?


  1. No I would give up everything to keep my home.  I can always go to the library and use the computer.  And my phone hardly ever rings anyway.

  2. I would give up all of that for my home. You bet. I didn't always have internet, or cable TV, or cell phones.  But, I've always had my home. It's very important to me.

  3. I would give it all up to keep my home...I lost my home a few yrs back, gave up almost everything & still was unable to keep it...due to several things. I would love to have my own home...even a little 3 rm shack, I could call mine. I've gone without water & elect before, so I could do that if I could just have my OWN home.
    Hugs, Sugar

  4. Oh yes, Mosie...I would definately give up my phone, cable and internet (sob:-( !) to keep my home!!! My home would be the LAST material thing that I would let go of...They could cut off my lights and water too..but my home would still be mine...I hope I never have to put my home on a loan....and I hope I always have enough money to pay the tax and insurance on it! I guess I would have to get a second job too!! lol
    love ya,
    we could always take 40 cents and use snail mail!

  5. As a cetifiable nut, I'm not sure I may comment on such matters.
    Internet and cable are simply luxiries around here. Heating our home with wood affords us these extra perks as you call them. Afraid cell is here to stay as it is concidered my life line to help should I have problem. Bad heart! Frieda would never hear of my giving up the cell. everything else yes.
    Besides any day I haven't anything to do, cutting wood is like paying myself for our heat. Fire wood cutting is just another selfemployed job, as I see it!

  6. I don't think anyone would give up their home for those luxuries; however, I can certainly say I would be willing to settle for "less" in the way of a house in order to have all of those things.  One year ago, I lost most of those things in one swoop when Katrina hit.  No house, no internet, no "things".    I did still have my cell phone, but no service due to the storm.  I also had my automobile.  Our continuing recovery from this catastrophy has been made easier by regaining a computer and the internet.  I have come to see these as necessities - not luxuries.  I live in a smaller house while my home is being rebuilt.  The loss of those things makes you think of things in a different way. And believe it or not,  I now believe that less is more.  But I still want internet access.

  7. Of course I would.. but... push has not come to shove yet.. so I'm keeping my computer until it does!


  8. I would keep my house! No question, Sandra

  9. I would LOVE to have acreage and would willingly give up everything except Doodle my Poodle just to  have it. The internet is nice to read other journals but it doesn't wag it's tail and give me wet kisses on the nose when I come home lol.

  10. You pose a mighty good question here but as addicted to the computer and journals as I am----no I would not give up my home. I could do without cable and the cell phone easier though. Paula

  11. Would I?  Could I?  YES!  (as long as I have paper, pens and two hands for writing!)

  12. I would give all those extras to keep my home. Like they say there is no place like home. Just out of curiosity do you know anyone that said they would rather lose their home?
    Take Care,

  13. I would gladly give up all those things to keep my home if I needed to do so. Helen

  14. I would give up all those things if it would able me to keep my house and land.

  15. I'd give them up in a heartbeat!  It's pouring rain just now and a computer can't keep you dry!

  16. HI
    Its a no-brainer to me........
