Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Do you feel creative?

Anne, over at Saturday's Child, has begun a novel that we can help write.  In her comment section, simply add a sentence to what's already been written and see what sort of turn the tale will take.  It's already getting pretty interesting!


  1. I had fun reading eveyone's efforts and adding a little one of my own.  Great fun!

  2. Okay, maybe I'm being too much of a perfectionist here, but didn't she say she wanted each person to add to the person before that's sentence? When I read it, it was so confusing because most everyone was just adding their take to the original sentence.  I thought it was supposed to be read like a story?  I know, I know.. I'm making a big deal out of nothing.  It just sounds confusing and makes no sense when I read it! lol

