Monday, August 7, 2006

Giving credit where credit is due

When I did my entry  down below, pushing this project, I failed to mention where I found the idea:  It was on one of my favorite journals, one that never fails to make me think... Patrick's Place.  A couple of us, his readers, mentioned we were going to do this thing also.  Then I wrote about it in my journal, and two of my readers joined in.  One was Jackie, of Hope Floats

Good grief, girl... you know how to get people involved!  This is a wonderful example of the ripple effect.  I went to the 2996 website and looked at all the new people who had signed on since I had, many of them Jackie's readers.  I was amazed.

Patrick is always trying to make this world a better place, and he's done a good job of it today.

Oh, I snatched the graphic above from one of Jackie's readers, Mandy, of Unhappily Ever After.  I hope she doesn't mind.


  1. Donna, if I hadn't of seen it here, I wouldn't have been able to join in, because I don't read Patricks journal.  Probably should, but I don't!

    I'm so happy that my readers have gotten involved!  It should prove to be very heartwarming, come 9/11.... reading the wonderful tributes that will come about from this!


  2. I signed up for this. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the mention, Donna, and thanks for getting people involved in this worthwhile effort!

