Sunday, August 27, 2006

Rain, sweet rain

After a summer of devastating drought, we're finally getting rain.  One hundred miles to the north, they've had adequate rain, while we'd get 1/4 inch, or 1/2 inch, every couple of weeks.  Our pasture not only stopped growing, but had turned brown and dead.  This county, along with several others, has been declared a disaster area for farmers.

Yesterday morning there was an inch and a half in the guage, and who knows... we may end up with that much today.  Up north, they're getting five inches to our one, but I won't complain.  At least, finally, there's enough moisture to matter around here.

Because of the dry conditions and lack of pasture, the neighbor's mare, Snickers, and her little girl will be moving down south.  I'll miss the baby; so will Blue, her main sidekick.  Snickers is a bully to the other horses and has an attitude toward people, so neither we nor our other pasture renters will miss her.


  1. Yes, isn't it great!!!! I love the rain, used to love to get out & take walks in it...but since I don't walk very well now, I stay in & enjoy it through the window or on the porch! The girls don't care for it, esp Angel! LOL
    Have a blessed day.
    Hugs, Sugar

  2. could you please send some to Texas?  We are really dry here/ even the weeds are dying! Barbara

  3. It rained most of the night here and still is raining this morning.  We are like has rained all around us but not here...well not quite as bad as you've got it , yet the yard was getting pretty brown.  It also is cooling down a bit and will only be in the mid to upper 70's all week.  That's what I call the perfect temps!
    Have a grand Sunday !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. About time somebody else gets their share of rain. Daren’t even haul hay today for fear of sticking it in a pasture rut.

    Fairy ring fungus????
    Up here we call something similar looking Meadow Mushrooms. Very good eating. Wish I could see them growing in person.

  5. The rain has been all around us. We have dry pastures also. They are calling for rain all this week. Maybe it will come in time to save the next cutting of hay( actually to just get another cutting!) I dread getting hay this year. So far no one has had any to sell.

  6. I'm glad you are getting much needed rain.  We need some too...but we won't see any until later in the year.  
