Monday, August 7, 2006

Monday Photo Shoot: ICE CREAM

The sun's been hot, it's the lazy days of August, and nothing helps to beat the heat than some ice-cold ice cream. With that in mind, this week's Photo Shoot Topic:

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Cool down with a photo that in some way involves ice cream. Other frozen treats such as Popsicles, frozen yogurt, ice milk and sherbet are also entirely acceptable. If it's sweet and it's frozen, it qualifies.

Also remember that although it's the Monday Photo Shoot, you can get pictures in until Thursday noon.

I had to go back to July of 2003 for this shot of three granddaughters sitting on the porch eating popsicles.  Actually, it appears the two older girls had already eaten their popsicles and were left with nothing but sticks.

I can certainly tell it was taken with my old camera; the shot isn't nearly as clear as it would be with my Canon Powershot.

Anyway, if you'd like to join in with the Monday Photo Shoot, hunt up a picture, put it in your journal, and leave the link to that particular entry at John Scalzi's journal.


  1. what a cute picture :)


  2. Aww...can ya stand it?!  How cute is that picture!


  3. I remember when the babes were all at home we went through a gross of popcicles in the summertime,  I haven't had one in years, but it sounds mighty good !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. Very cute, You did a good choice, Helen

  5. That's a great they didn't waste anytime getting those popsicles down!

  6. I love that picture!

  7. priceless. Love the picture.

  8. I just love this picture! There's something that makes ice cream more special when you eat it on the front porch...but  only " portable" ice cream, like cones, ice cream sandwiches, anything on a stick or what you buy from the ice cream man. I'm almost 50, and I still like my ice cream outdoors.

  9. That's a WONDERFUL picture!  It really makes me smile! - Karen
