Tuesday, August 8, 2006

I can still do it!

Cliff, the girls, and I went to the grocery store today to pick up necessities for the trip to the State Fair.  Only trouble is, I failed to notice an important item on my list:  BREAD!

There were only four slices left at home.  Cliff needed bread in our absence, and the girls and I would need bread for our sandwiches at the fair.

I have not baked bread in Lord knows how many years, but today I found out I haven't lost my touch.  Cliff is going to be SO surprised.  Oh, and the granddaughters were fascinated by the process of making bread.


  1. I love baking bread. The smell of the bread rising and then baking makes my mouth water! I love wrapping my hands around that dough......
    BTW beautiful loaves!

  2. I am DROOLING!!!!   Those look fantastic!!  And you made it in the oven not a bread machine...very impressive.

  3. Try adding some heirloom tomatoes to that!  They are selling some south of Oak Grove on F

  4. they look delicious! I would imagine they taste even better. Its probably a good thing you don't make bread too often; I can imagine the calories eaten with jam and margarine on slices of it. Yum :)


  5. I can smell it baking from here.  

    Lucky family....


  6. That bread looks delicious !  There is an art to making a good loaf of bread and it's soooo good while it's still warm.  Glad you've not lost the trick of it.  'On Ya' - ma

  7. I never was quite able to make a loaf of bread from scratch!  Although my mother's looed a lot like yours do.  Yummy!  Bet it smelled terrific as it was cooling.

  8. What a wonderful heritage you are passing on to those girls.  Something they can get no where else.

  9. Mmmmmmmmmmm..........fresh, hot and homemade bread!  My mom used to make it every now and then, and it was so good, warm and fresh from the oven, with lots of butter on it!  Those sure do look good, Donna!!


  10. I love the smell of fresh baked bread.  My mom and one of my sisters used to make home made loaf bread once in a while, and I loved watching it rise.

  11. Mosie, that bread looks wonderful !! I can almost smell it !! Your Granddaughters are learning so much from you, and they will never forget it . Looks like you will be having good eating at the fair.


  12. My bride's finest breads offerings tended to comeout of a recent mad on; the bread dough having served her for a puching bag of sorts.
    Her home made bread fresh out of the oven smeared under genuine fresh butter. I remembered her bread  was better than cake. Drool!
    Have fun at the fair. We start setup Saturday and move in on Sunday. Thinking we're taking 14 4H head.

  13. Glad you haven't lost your touch they look great.

  14. Those look so yummy!!  Better watch out....Cliff might be spoiled and start wanting homemade bread all the time!  
    Glad you had fun making it.

  15. I want some of that bread! With real butter of course. I'm a breadaholic.
    Hugs, Mandy:)

  16. OMG! Mosie...that looks so delicious! I wish to goodness that I had got my "Aunt Chet" to teach me how to make it....I can close my eyes and still smell that aroma coming from her kitchen...what I wouldn't give to be able to have one more slice!
    Those loaves are beautiful and I am sure they taste and smell as good as they look....Cliff is so lucky!
    love Ya ,

  17. I can almost smell that bread now!!!! yummy!!!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

  18. The bread looks wonderful and I'm sure it tasted great.  I've missed you as I've been behind keeping up and I see you have had so much fun this week.
