Monday, August 14, 2006

and now, back to the State Fair!

Friday at the fair was the day we used our unlimited-rides wristbands.  The midway opens at noon and goes until midnight.  I don't ride anything that takes me upside down, and neither did the girls.  I'm sure we rode the Tilt-a-whirl a dozen times at least, and we probably did the bumper cars a half-dozen times.  Five years ago, I loved carnival rides.  Now, I can take them or leave them.

We got back to the camper at 8:30 Friday night, and Saturday morning Cliff came to get us.

The girls enjoyed the fair, and it's fun to go with them.  I'm thinking next year, though, I might try going it alone.  I'll sit through entire horse shows and cooking demonstrations and cattle-judging, things that totally bore the kids, and I'll probably end up wishing I had someone with me.  But I'll never know until I try.


  1. it looks like you had a nice time.... I get dizzy on all the rides so wouldn't be able to do that... Glad you had fun. Sandra

  2. I don't do any rides any more...I used to love them, Now I just watch the younger ones have fun.  Maybe it has to do with my tri-focals.???  I'm dizzy enough just as I am.   Looks like you all had fun.  Your granddaughters will be dissappointed if you go by yourself.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. Looks as if you and the girls had a great time. Thanks for sharing. Helen

  4. That thing the policeman is on....they have them in San Francisco...they call them Segway tours.  You can rent them and drive them all over to see the sights.  Pretty cool eh?

    Love the pictures.  Those girls are so lucky to have such a hip and brave Grandma!!!   I would only do the kiddie ride and MAYBE the swing.   I had no fear back in the day now I am a chicken!!!

    How come Cliff and you don't go alone next year?

  5. Looks like you and the girls had a great time.... gotta love the fair!

    As for going alone... Well, some of the best times I had at Disney/SeaWorld/etc have been when I went alone. When I lived in Orlando I would get a season's pass to one opf the parks each year (I would choose a different one each year <LOL>). I lived alone then and often I would go to whichever park I had the pass for that year and just spend part of the day hanging out. I would spend lots of time doing things that others might not enjoy. AND I didn't mind -waiting- for a show or something to start. Oh, a tip! I always carried a paperback with me or a puzzle book to entertain myself if I was caught needing to wait for something since I didn't have anyone to talk to!

  6. You will have to sneak off if you want to go by yourself Mosie!!! Those girls are going to want to go too!
    Glad you had a good time...
    love ya,

  7. I envy you.. that you are able to go off for a couple days and just be alone.  I don't mind being alone in my house, but I would freak going to a fair, the movies, a restaurant... or a trip.. alone!  I just really envy and have the highest respect for those that can do that.  Especially women..


  8. You are always so brave.   Going alone?  Surely you don't mean camping alone?  Just going to the state fair alone right?  LOL.

  9. Love the pics!  You're such a good grandma going on all of those rides with the girls!  Looks like they had a ball!
