Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wow, I haven't cooked this much in ages

Cliff and I generally stick with cereal or oatmeal for breakfast.  Because I see my son so rarely (once or twice a year), when he's here I try to fix all the old "comfort foods" from his childhood.  Cliff shouldn't have all this stuff, but hey... what am I going to do?  Ask him to sit and eat salad while everybody else is pigging out?  So I just cook, and hope Cliff and I survive this abundance.

Meanwhile, we're enjoying daily visits from the oldest grandson, who crashed at our house for a few months not so long ago.  He's enjoying being with his baby sister.  Like the fake smiles?

OK, they look more natural in this picture.

The son just now took the granddaughter on a four-wheeler ride; she loves this.  (Deb, that's why he isn't answering his cell phone.)

The horses... not so much.

This was a very familiar sight when the grandson was staying with us.  Nice to see our couch still suits him just fine.


  1. lol....too cute!

  2. I'm sure they're all enjoying all the comfort foods.  I can't say that I blame them either.  Love the fake smiles.  LOL   I love the real photos of them just being natural.  Those are the kind of photos I love.  I hate the ones you've got to dress up & be so so.  YUCK  I especially love the nap shot.  I hope Arick is doing great!!!
    Enjoy your time with your family.  


    Thanks for visiting my journal.  I really don't know what I'm doing...  The rodeo stuff is scary

  3. You'll be glad to get back to the regular routine after the visit I'm sure, but meanwhile you've got to get the most out of the visit and there is nothing like Mom's home cooking.  I know I love cooking for a crowd.  I miss it, but I don't do it very often anymore.  'On Ya' - ma

  4. I hope you enjoy having your son and grandchildren with you this week.  From the pictures, it looks like everyone is having fun.  Don't we all love those good "old comfort foods."  I will be glad when I have a grand child I can have fun with...LOL  Have a great week.  By the way, what foods did you cook?

  5. It is nice your couch still fits him.  I love his purse.  LOL

  6. Have a great visit. Make lots of memories. :)

  7.   A Happy, Healthy Family ... GOOD FOR YOU & CLIFF! (I see I'm not the only one who noticed the pink purse.)

  8. Priceless memories in the making, enjoy them.  The grandson did a good job matching his purse with his outfit.  I'd love to come and eat your leftovers but I'm sure there would be none to be had.  Vicki

  9. Nothing like family...absolutely nothing...and all the memories you are creating for son and "the little Georgia peach!"???  and you and Cliff will walk it all off in no time...you guys are amazing for sure!!!!  hugs to ya...Ora

  10. I like the pics.  It's great that you're having a nice visit with them, and I hope you and Cliff do survive the abundance.  In the meantime, enjoy the cooking and the eating!

  11. Loved the pictures!!!  I love oatmeal for breakfast too....

  12. my in laws have been with us for a week.  I know I gained 5 pounds.  Ehhhhh it was worth it.....I love when they visit...

