Saturday, December 15, 2007

So... where's the snow?

Four to eight inches, they excitedly predicted on the news, all day yesterday.  I got up at my usual ridiculous hour this morning (4 A.M.) and looked out the door to see only a dusting of white stuff. 

Now, on early news, the man is backpedaling rapidly, saying, "It's looking more and more like we'll only get two inches."  He doesn't sound so excited today.

I made the graham-cracker crust for my cherry-cheesecake pie already, only to discover that I don't have any reconstituted lemon juice for the filling.  I don't think this is an item my daughter or my neighbors would have on hand to borrow.  That's OK, I'll get hold of the grandson before he comes home later today (he seldom comes home on Friday nights... I don't ask where he goes;  I'm not sure I want to know).

The butchering project is still in the plans:  If the people with the two hogs make it here, Cliff will shoot them, skin and gut them, and hang them from the rafters in the shop to cool.  Then tomorrow he'll cut the hogs into genuine cuts of meat.  If I have time and feel like it, I will post pictures.  I will give a warning, though, for squeamish city people who think it's cruel to kill animals.  I trust those of you who feel this way are conscientious enough to abstain from poultry, pork, and beef. 

Actually, I can understand why a person would be bothered by the actual killing and butchering process.  Just don't complain when I post pictures, because this is MY journal.  As I said, I will warn you so you need not see pictures if you don't want to.  You won't click on my journal and see a hog carcass unless you want to see it.  I'll make sure the first picture in the album is something innocent and non-scary.

Is that a deal?


  1. The snow is on the way to Ohio today, we are supposed to have 8-12 inches starting after 4:00 this afternoon.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. We are going to get an abundance of snow overnight tonight, so if you want some, come and get it!  I don't think butchering a hog is bad.  It's life.  You go ahead and post, I'll take a look!  Linda

  3. I'm looking forward to your pictures.  It will bring back memories for me from my childhood.  Take care.


  4. 'Twould bring back memories of the good old days, knives, meat saws, do it yourself butchershop.

  5. I remember getting into all that hog butchering. When you have been into it all then you can cope with the squimishness (is that a word). Good lucK with all of it. Helen

  6. Post away!  It'll remind me why I never want to do it again!

  7. I have only seen a deer dressed and butchered once. I was in a meat cutting facility once too but they kept the back doors closed.  I would like to see the process so if it was up to me I would say take plenty of pictures. Shoot away.

  8. My husband is also mighty hunter and I totally agree that we are allowed to kill the animals for food.  That is the way God intended it for us.  LOL.  I do love a good steak.  And I'm a big chicken fan too.  I am not much on pork but my family loves it all; bacon, sausage, ham, pork roast, pork chops, pepperoni.  I do buy it for them and I usually do a pork roast every year at NY Eve.  I hope we can take ours to the cabin in TN this year and I should remember to bring my crock pot.  Good for you to stock up on the extra meats for the coming winter!!!  Go Cliff!!!!  Hugs,

  9. we were suppose to get slammed here BUT now they are saying just a dusting of snow and the rest rain! I guess we shall see! I don't believe the weather man much! I look out the window and when it happens it happens!


  10. DEAL! lol  I would never be able to do the killing but hey I'm all for it as long as it's done humanely.  I love to eat the stuff so I can't say much at all! lol  I will most likely look at the pics because I have never seen that before.  So he shoots them?  The place I seen (some kind of mill where cows are kept in small areas) knocked them with a hammer thingy on the top of the head and sometimes they were NOT dead before they started tearing them apart!  Now that I would not call humane!  Take care and will be back to check it out if you post pics.  I will be brave!!  lol

  11. Well, I think you know it won't bother me! lol  I just finished packaging my fifth deer for the year! phew!  I wish I lived near you I'd beg some bacon off that newly butchered hog.  Fresh bacon tastes nothing like what you buy in the store.  I can remember how shocked I was the first time I had some.  We got snow for the first time today, but it was mixed in with rain and sleet.  We're supposed to get some more tonight and in the morning.  We aren't expecting much accumulation here, although they'll be getting a few inches North of us.  

  12. I Know what you mean about the snow - we also had dire predictions and it drizzled for about 20 minutes last night and that was that.

  13. I say...if you cannot stand the heat...get out of the kitchen LOL...and it is good to see how the other part of world lives and works....bringem on....look forward to it we were supposed to have some really badddddddd weather today....just some rain...temps are down....dusting of snow....sheesh!!!!!

  14. Doesnt bother me, long as its someone else doing it. I just dont have the guts to do it myself. I love meat...we eat a lot of meat. Moving on up the page now, catching up!

  15. Hey!  I eat it.. and I know that it comes from a farm where it had to have been butchered before it hit my table!  So, therefore, while I would not wish to be the one to do the slaughtering... it does not offend me in the least.

