Sunday, December 23, 2007

If you missed seeing Ree, the Pioneer Woman

She's already on Youtube.  I know, those of you who never read her blog probably think I'm nuts.  But once you've read her silliness and down-to-earth humor for awhile, you feel like she lives right next door, ready to loan you a couple of eggs when you run out; ready to give you all her great recipes... even ready to babysit the grandkids if necessary!  Yeah, she's THAT real.  Her blog is right HERE.

So here's the clip from Headline News:


  1. Thank you, thank you!  I was so upset with myself yesterday pm.  After reading about it in your journal entry I'd planned on catching the next showing in late afternoon, but then got busy and forgot about it til early evening!  I'm so glad I got to see it ... you always give us such helpful information Mosie!  Thanks!   Judy

  2. WOW! she does have quite a few readers. I have visited her journal several times. She has a very good sense of humor. Helen

  3. Thanks for posting this clip.  You stirred my interest with your last post, but I was unable to watch the airing.  I can sure see why you like her blog.

  4. Saw it. It was fun! Thanks again for sending me in her direction.

  5. I do read her once in a while and she is great. Just wanted to wish you and Cliff and all your family a good Christmas and hope to read your journal for many more years. Paula

  6. That was a cool clip about her blog!!  Those kids are adorable!!!  I like the chaps too... LOL.

  7. Thanks for sharing this-I bookmarked it!  Her blog is a fun read!  She has some amazing pictures too.

    t sort of reminds me of "The Egg and I"-a book I read years ago (from the 30's I think) and it was made into a movie with Claudette Colbert.  A city girl moves to the country story with usually hilarious results!  The movie introduces us to Ma & Pa Kettle!    Thanks again, Jeff


  8. Isnt that just amazing? She is really famous for sure now! I do love her blog and visit it often. She has a great sense of humor and I always enjoy reading her. Thanks for posting the YouTube clip. I didnt know she had been on the news! That is just too cool. She is really something else.

  9. Oh, I'm so glad you linked that video!  I loved watching.  :)
