Monday, December 10, 2007

Alrighty then

My email works, at least for now.  It's been sorta on-again-off-again this evening.

Weather guessers are predicting a terrible ice storm.  It might happen, but then again, this is Missouri, and it's never easy to pin down our weather forecasts.  Even as I type this, I hear a lady on the news saying, "It may not be as bad as we thought."

I did a little too much walking yesterday.  I was going stir-crazy, so I took Sadie out with me for a twenty-minute walk in the snow.  Not to mention that I did a little more on-my-feet stuff around the house.  So this morning, there was some swelling in my knee.  Except for a couple hours of shopping today and a soup-salad-breadsticks meal at Olive Garden (oh yeah), I've been taking it easier, and I can tell the swelling has gone down.

I'm planning a family dinner for this Sunday.  The house may be a total disaster, and there may be a hog-butchering going on in the shop.  But by george, we're going to have a good day of it!


  1. You are so lucky to live where you do! I would love to take that walk with you. I've missed your pictures of Sadie and your walks.

  2. I'm so jealous of you....those pictures are beautiful.  I want snow!!!!!  We never get snow here.....or if we do it's just a dusting.  I love the geese.  I wish I lived where you do.  Take care & keep warm.


  3. Oh my.  You can have the hog butchering.  The last time (at least I pray it's the last time) we had one the carcus somehow ended up on my kitchen table.  Oh, I enjoy the fresh meat but I'd just as soon let others go through the hassle.  PLEASE DON'T OVER DO IT SUNDAY!

  4. I'm glad you were able to get out for a few minutes, but don't overdo it.  I love the pictures.

  5. Okay....did I just hear 'smoked bacon'?  Heh...


  6. I have been reading about the terrible ice storm with so many people out of power. I hope you all will be ok. Looks odd to see all that snow when it's suposed to get up to 80º here today. If we feel up to up after a while we may even go fish for a while. Great pictures. I hope that knee does ok. Helen

  7. Wow you must be feeling pretty good already up and about like that...glad you and Sadie were able to get some time in. The sky looks like the ground there...very wintery.

  8. HOg! I want some sausage!
