Friday, December 21, 2007

I'd like to wish a Merry Christmas to long-time Internet friends

I will never forget my introduction to AOL chat rooms.  Somehow I ended up in a Christian Seniors chat room, back in 1998; and I made friends I will never forget.  Many of them have passed away now, and it makes me sad to think about that; I guess when you are associated with "seniors", you can expect a lot of goodbyes.

I met many of those folks face-to-face.  Most of them were as real in person as they were online. 

There are some I haven't kept in touch with, but I still feel a very close connection with them:  Helen, Sue, Brenda, Kathy, Tex.  I haven't heard from Jen in months.  I have only good feelings toward all of them, and I hope they're doing well.  Jerry, didn't we have fun fussing at one another?  Meanwhile, there are the ones I have kept in touch with:  Lona, Joanna (I got your Christmas card today), Nance, and all the rest.

Merry Christmas to all my old AOL buddies.  Isn't this World Wide Web a wonderful thing?


  1. Ryan was laughing yesterday when she said 'Okay...isn't it funny that the only Christmas cards we've received are from your journal buddies?"  


  2. I still can't believe the full implications of this medium.  It seems like magic how it all works sometimes.  You are right, the World Wide Web is a wonderful thing.

  3. merry Christmas!  


  4. Yeah, it's an amazing thing.  I would NEVER let my kids meet someone from "online" but I've been to online chat meets, and I met Russ.  Merry Christmas, and thanks for helping to teach me to use the computer.

  5. I don't go that far back in knowing you but it has been around three years, will be four in the spring since I first started keeping my journal. I think I met you almost from the start. I have enjoyed reading your journal very much. I look forward to seeing your entries. I wish you and Cliff and very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year along with all your family. Helen

  6. Merry Christmas to you and has been a fun 10 (almost) years of chat and banter here in cyber-land. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to meet some of the special people that surf the 'net'. You and Cliff are 2 of those 'special' folks !
    I pray God will bless you and yours this coming year and keep you ALL in his loving care.
    Love ya gal ! (you too Cliff)

  7. Merry Xmas to you and your family.

  8. Mosie .... I do so remember that chat room too. it was wonderful and I met so many great folks there. My first chat room when I got my first computer.  I agree the World Wide Web is  a wonderful thing !! Wishing you and Cliff and all of your family a very Merry Christmas  !!

    (((( Hugs ))))


  9. Catching up here in Jland, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and you and Cliff have many many more. :)
