Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ice storm

So far the electricity hasn't blinked off, but I won't be surprised if it happens.  The yard looks like an ice-skating rink, and the weather-guessers say this stuff will keep falling all day long.  Cliff usually gets off work at midnight, but he was home at ten when I got up to go to the bathroom last night.  The grandson spent the night at his mom's; she lives only about five minutes from where he works at his full-time job.

I'm cooking chicken for the Sunday noodles:  I'll de-bone and de-skin it, then freeze it in its own broth until Sunday morning.  That's about the only thing I can prepare this far ahead of the meal. 

Here's the menu:  Brisket, noodles, mashed potatoes, broccoli-rice casserole, my mom's cranberry-whip salad (that one's for me), deviled eggs and home-made rolls, with pumpkin pie for dessert; there may be an addition or two yet.  I'm sure my grandson would like some Oreo dessert, but I'm not going all-out on desserts; I am very much limited on how much I should be on my feet, with the knee wanting to swell every time I'm up and around too much.  Besides, Cliff and I can only take so much dessert in the house before we start putting on weight like hogs going to market.

The house will probably be a mess because of my present physical limitations, too.  But it's all family, and none of them are judgmental.   It'll be our daughter and family (hopefully her oldest will make it, we haven't seen him in forever), the ex-DIL and our son's two kids, and Cliff's sister and her hubby.
This is the nearest thing to a holiday gathering we'll be having, so I hope I still remember how to cook all that stuff!

Oops, I just heard the weather-guesser say there's a new storm system coming in this weekend. 


  1. That forcast looks bad. I hope you will have electricity to cook that delicious meal. Helen

  2. Yikes, I hope you keep your electricity. I saw the pics on the news and I can't imagine getting around in all of that.

    You guys stay warm and safe


  3. I'm glad that you are both inside safe and warm.  That ice is so dangerous.  I do hope all goes well for your family gathering.  The menu sounds absolutely wonderful.  'On Ya' - ma

  4. Oh man...it's been a long time since we seen a storm like that one!  Sounds pretty nasty!  I hope you guys keep your electricity!  Stay warm and safe and have a great day today...or at least try to.  

  5. Oh I hope the weather gets better for Sunday dinner, it sounds wonderful.

  6. Hope the weather holds decent for you....and the dinner sounds delicious...can smell that chicken cooking now!!!! LOL..have fun...enjoy....and pace yourself...don't want that knee to have a relapse.....God Bless..hugs...Ora

  7. My ears perked up at 'Brisket'.  Our local grocery chain has pre-smoked, fully cooked brisket that are beyond good.


  8. That menu sounds delicious!  I hope the weather doesn't spoil your plans.  Don't overdo it, either!

  9. Goodness...the weather is bad out that way.  Your menu sounds wonderful!  Your family won't even notice your house with all that good food around.  I hope the weather gets better before the weekend.  You better take it wasy with that knee swelling like it is.  Take care & keep warm.


  10. Enjoy your visit!  The menu is great and I'm thinking a brisket sounds really, really good just now.  We're expecting a storm over the weekend too.  :0
