Thursday, December 20, 2007

My knee

That's the inside of my right knee; notice the instruments inside it, doing their work.  Would you believe I was also given the MRI X-rays to keep?  Good grief, what would I do with them?  They're huge and heavy, and I can't imagine myself dragging them out to show people who come to visit.  Anyhow, at the doctor's office they now digitize them and keep them on the computer, so they don't need the originals.

When the doctor asked how my knee was feeling, I told her it's much improved.  It isn't perfect, but the pain is reduced by at least 90%. 

I asked Dr. Strong about THIS PROCEDURE, a partial knee replacement; she said that would be a possibility for me, since my bone-on-bone is only on the outside of either knee at the present time.  She did mention that there's a greater success rate with total knee replacement.  Also, she said, by the time I'm ready for replacement, the bone-on-bone might affect the whole knee.

Since I'm not ready for anything drastic right now, I didn't try to pin her down to answering the question "which procedure do you feel is better?"

I walked this morning, but I didn't try to keep up with Cliff.  The paths in the shady areas are slick where the snow partially melted and then re-froze into ice; so I stayed up on the mostly-clear, semi-flat areas.  Sadie was quite happy to spend her time running back and forth between us with a stick in her mouth.

Looking down toward the river bottom, all we saw was fog.



  1. Oh my, my knee aches just looking at those images :-)

    So, are you going to call your films "art" and hang them on the wall? LOL


  2. we had fog early yesterday that impressed Adrian.  We couldn't even see the building behind our house.

    you know, thanks to you....I'm not so paranoid to think about my own pending knee surgery....


  3. I know you must have felt great to be out walking this morning !  Thankfully all is going well.  'On Ya' - ma

  4. I'm so glad that you're doing so much better, & I know that Sadie is too.  


  5. Happy to hear you are up and about more. I've heard it's hard to go from being very active to having to sit on your butt all day. I wouldn't know. I love sitting on my butt all day. (That's probably why it's so big and well cushioned. LOL)

  6. glad all is going well with your knee...and I know that Sadie and Cliff are happy to have you back with them...sometimes good company is hard to find LOL...God Bless and Merry Christmas...Hugs...Ora   PS....I was amazed about getting the CT scan pics like your xrays and MRI's LOL...guess this ole computer gonna save a lotsa space for the hospitals...hmmm??

  7. We got a video after the surgery that Kevin had on his shoulder.  Parts of the video looked almost like porn!  ROFL

  8. Wow that knee looks amazing!!!  I hope whatever procedure you choose it will be as painless as possible for you!  Hugs,

  9. I hope it all works out for you in the end. I went to the doctor the other day about something different and we started talking about my legs hurting me alot. he took a look at them and I got puss inside my left knee. We didn't go into details but I might have to get in tooken out later as I get older. My grandmother and also another person I know had it done and I heard it hurts. From what they told me I don't know if I would ever get it done unless they put me to sleep. Anyways you havn't stoped by my journal for awhile. Hope you are in good spirts and doing good. Hope to hear from you soon :)

  10. Glad you are feeling better with your knee.  LInda

  11. Oh good news about your knee.  I have MRI films slid into the corner of my closet -- and I wonder what the heck I need them for!
