Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hog butchering, day two

Cliff and I agree that this has been a most enjoyable weekend.  His brother and friend were here yesterday and last night, helping us consume vast amounts of potato soup, cheese ball, caramel corn and hot hamburger dip.  Cliff's sister and her husband came over last night, and again today.  It's been a great family weekend, which is what you want when you have your only holiday feast of the season.  Everything just fell into place, from unloading tractors to butchering.  A good time was had by all.

I was busy cooking today, so I sent son-in-law Kevin out to take the pictures.  The couple who supplied the hogs had dinner with us.  They took their hams and sides up the road less than a mile to the local butcher shop, to be made into cured ham and bacon.  We aren't curing any of our meat:  lean pork is fairly good for us (as long as we stick to portion control), and we don't need any added salt.

I hope all of my readers enjoy their holiday season as much as Cliff and I enjoyed this weekend.


  1. Didn't give your readers much notice THIS time, did you?  LOL

  2. That was an interesting procedure.  How many lbs of meat do you think you ended up with?  Linda

  3. so happy that all went well for your "family" week end...and the hog butchering wasn't so bad....and I bet that meat will surely taste good in the coming weeks....Merry Christmas to you all too....hugs all day...Ora

  4. Now that was interesting to see...I would watch that...just couldn't watch the killing.

  5. That was pretty interesting. Fresh pork is so good.  Well, fresh anything is better than what is sold in the stores.  

    I wonder if you could oneday do a close up of the background in picture 6 ?  Are those all toys in that big book case?  Looked like a neat ol' collection of tractors and I think I eyeballed a lunchbox.  

  6. This is why I love your blog (and Pioneer Woman's). Your life-style is SO different from mine.  When would I ever get the chance to see a hog butchered???  Very interesting.  Makes me wish I had some bacon in the fridge.

  7. So glad you had such a festive weekend and so much wonderful food and fun and friends and family!!!  And glad you are getting a nice supply of meat for the winter ahead!!!  Wishing I was there to try the potato soup, the cheeseball and the hamburger dip... and the caramel corn too!!!!!  Sounds just delicious!!!  

  8. This was interesting. The boys didn't take their eyes off of Cliff for a second. You can see how they are entranced by what he's doing!
    So what's that I see in the glass case? Little tractors and such? You gotta show us that sometime! It looks like an interesting collection.
    Glad you had a great weekend.

  9. Looking more like meat and less like a pig for sure. Cliff sure does look like he knows what he is doing. You said he used to do this regular long time ago, kind of a cool thing to do for yourself like that.
