Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I spent last night at the cabin.  The temperature was perfect, the campfire was good.  I slept quite well.

Because it wasn't awfully hot today, and because it's going to be getting hot soon, I rode Blue at mid-morning.  It was a rather short and uneventful ride... until I rode across the lot of a vacant house-for-sale across the highway:  Blue jumped, scared to death, when a little spotted fawn got up in the tall grass, almost at his feet, and ran into the cornfield nearby.

Cliff sold a tractor.  A friend of his brother had told Cliff he could have the Oliver for $2,000; if he wanted to sell it for more, he could keep the profit.  Cliff made $700 on the deal, which pays for some extras on the lawn tractor he bought.  Thank you, Craigslist. 

Also, Cliff's brother thinks he has another 4020 John Deere sold.  Thank you, Yesterday's Tractors.  Of course nobody is thanking the woman who put all this junk online.  (Well, Cliff is, because I twist his arm until he says thank you.)

 Yeah Rachel, there's a container of green beans and taters in the fridge that you are welcome to take.


  1. Good for Cliff making that profit. Keep selling tractors and ya'll just might go on that vacation yet. Staying at the cabin sounds peaceful. I am glad Blue didn't get to skittish when the fawn jumped up. I hope the mom finds it soon. Hope you soon get those circumstances straightened out so you can be your perky self again. Helen

  2. Hope your tomorrow is a better day! Sorry to hear something got you down, but knowing you, you'll bounce right back! Take care!

  3. Off course for your PR part you recieved 1/2 the profit LOL.

  4. Hope it all works out.  Hugs n prayers!!!!

  5. Sounds like a nice night at the cabin.  The fawn must of been cute!  Linda

  6.   Isn't it fun naming animals?  Speaking of cattle ... we named a feeder calf "PORK-CHOP" so it wouldn't get suspicious!  Naming the members of a big dairy herd (or horses) can be a challenge, too.  Often, I liked to wait & let a name "happen" ... as you did with Secret.

  7. Ahh...a  I don't think I'd survive a minute outside the city limits!  LOL!

  8. Cabin ... I'm wondering, just when are you going to have a sleep over for all of your on-line friends?  LOL!  Can you just imagine that!?
