Friday, June 29, 2007

GPS systems

Cliff and I seem to get lost often when we're traveling; he often says, "If there's a 50/50 chance of choosing the proper road, I always take the wrong one."

When I got the laptop, I bought a GPS system to go with it.  It's never performed properly when we really needed it.  It could be "operator error", but whatever.  Cliff has never let me forget that I paid for a system we haven't been able to depend on.

His brother called the other day, telling him about his new GPS:  his wife bought it for him on Home Shopping Network for $300.  He told Cliff how easy it is to use, and about some of its finer features.

"Ha," I snorted.  "If it was $300 on HSN, I'll bet I can get it for $200 at Circuit City or on Ebay."

The laugh is on me.  Any way you shake it, the Magellan Maestro 3140 cannot be purchased anywhere for under $369, and that's on Ebay, where you have to add another $25 for shipping.

I called Phil's wife and told her I couldn't find it anywhere for $300, not even on HSN.

"Oh, that was for one day only," she said, smugly.

So to Joanna and all my friends who shop on QVC and HSN, I apologize for thinking I knew more about it than you did.  There are bargains to be found on HSN.

If anyone happens to see a great deal on the Magellan Maestro 3140, let me know, would you?

(I won't consider any other kind, because we had such horrible luck with the laptop GPS.  I figure if there's any problem with this one, Cliff can gripe at Phil.  Or call him for advice.)


  1. That's good to know....Jesse is trying to do a little research before he buys one, as well........I'll tell him to see what he can find on the Magellan Maestro...


  2. We borrowed and used that same exact model to get us to Florida. It is terrific!!! I saw the deal on QVC and had the same thoughts as you, only to find out that it truly was a great deal through QVC:-( Oh well, hopefully they will run the deal again and if they do, I will give you a shout...

  3. I hope you find one.  I've gotten some good deals on those channels on other things. It's been awhile since I've bought anything from them though.  
    Good luck,

  4. Well we are all allowed to be wrong once a year right? LOL Thats what I tell Ian anyway. ;)

  5. Why Donna, I thank you and so does my closet.

    Now did I hear somebody say BARGAIN?????


    Your resident shopaholic.


  6. Anybody ever hear of a map?

  7. My friend has the Microsoft Streets with GPS and LOVES IT!!!!

  8. I have one that came with my car and I have yet to figure out how to use the darn thing.  I just gave up!!!   Anne

  9. I need one just to find my way around my house.

  10. I use the old fashioned thing called a map.  I love it now that you can go to sites like map quest and get directions to just about anywhere.  'On Ya' - ma

  11.   I JUST LOVE GADGETS; nothing drives me up a wall faster than a gadget that doesn't work!

  12. I've always said I know where I'm at. Though it might seem confused a bit wondering where everywhere else was?

  13. I am wanting a GPS so bad! I guess I will break down and get one soon. A co-worker has one, and she loves it. I will find out what kind it is if you would like.

  14. I have a friend that has Verizon and has GPS on her phone.  We went to a place downtown and used it to tell us where to go.  There was construction everywhere and I had to be re routed.  Every turn I made off course, it readjusted itself to give me directions from that point and alerted me when each turn was approaching.  I fell in love with it but refuse to pay an extra $9.99 per month since I'm not usually trying to find new places.  Plus my phone is not GPS ready.  But somehow I want that GPS!  I'm trying to rationalize it.  So far it's not happening but it's cool!  Good luck with your GPS finds.  

  15. Interesting how well my GPS works -- born with it!  LOL

    But my family?  Can't find or fight their way out of a paper bag.  So hubby purchased a GPS a few years back to use with his laptop.  It works well. BUT.  It's always on my lap ... and I don't need a GPS.

    Oh, the weirdness of life.

  16. LOLwegot lost Saturday and had to find our way in the very dark rural country with a storm flashing overhead ON THE BIKE! GSP did not work because no signal with the storm.
