Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm invisible

Because my daughter is in Nashville on a business trip and my son-in-law leaves for work before 5:30, I'm at their house for a couple of mornings.  Usually Rachel drops the girls, aged nine and eleven, at my house on her way to work. 

The granddaughters are going to summer school at present time.

As a side note here:  No, my granddaughters aren't stupid and they didn't flunk, as some people in other states seem to think.  Here in Missouri, summer school is voluntary.  It's mostly fun subjects and projects with no homework.  If they attend school without missing a day for the whole five weeks, the state pays each of them $100.  And my daughter doesn't have to pay me as much for babysitting.

So anyhow:  I suggested to the girls that we pretend I'm not with them and find out if they could do OK on their own.  Yesterday I had to take a couple of time-outs to tell them things I had forgotten about, but for their part, they did great.  They got themselves up and ready, they didn't fuss and argue (if they had, I wouldn't have said anything unless somebody's life was in danger).  They left for school on time; I followed them most of the way there, and then called Cliff to pick me up.

So this is day two of the experiement.  Each of the girls, when she got up this morning, put her fingers to her lips to remind me not to talk.  I believe they could do this!

By the way, doesn't anybody ever feed and water the dogs around here?  I see two empty dog-dishes every time I come!

Pictures will be added to this entry when I get home.  Maybe.


  1. I'll wave to your daughter since I'm close to Nashville!
    Sounds like a great experiment.  I'm sure they are doing great!

  2. I wish we had a summer program like they have here in my town. Our summer school is only for children that need extra help. My daughter would love it, my son not so much! lol.

  3. Great way to build confidence and 'show their Mom' just what they can do and handle ... with a back up just in case.  Clever. Clever.

  4. The way time flies by, it won't be long and they won't need your help as a sitter anymore, but I think they will always need your presence.  You are a great grand'ma' .  Hope your day is a great one !  'On Ya'- ma

  5. I feed and water the dogs every morning, but I never imagined that in my absense, NOBODY would do it. HANG ON, BABIES, I'LL BE HOME TONIGHT!!!

  6. Those were some of my best memories of school ~ summer school! How creative is Grandma, what a great idea. I think someone else helps my little dog with his food because I have the very same problem! Hope your day is being good to you!

  7. Ineresting little game you are playing with the grandkids!

  8. Summer school is a great idea.  First of all it keeps them from saying "I'm bored" second of all the first few weeks of a new school year are spent re-teaching everything the kids forgot over the summer time.  I think all kids should do a little refresher course in the summer.

    Is the school close by?  I was surprised to see you left the front door open...silly city girl like me would never do that.  :)

  9. I think the hardest time is when we want our children or grands to become independent....old enough to take responsibility....and usually they are more than ready....but we as parents and/or grandparents are NOT...LOL...what you are doing is good training....and knowing the girls from your past blogs....they are growing up far to fast....becoming young ladies....(sighing heavily)....where did the babies go????  hugs from KY....God Bless....Ora

  10. I love this experiment.  They are growing up so fast.

  11. Well everybody knows that girls mature faster than boys, so they already have that going for them in taking care of themselves when they need to. Boys that age...well, I guess it depends on the boys...but I would leave girls before I would boys...boys get ideas...and ideas can be a bad thing...lol.

  12. I like that experiment!  It must add some fun to the girls' day, too.

  13. That's a good experiment. I know they feel safer knowing you are "there." I notice that they don't exactly walk together to school. LOL!
