Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm letting the granddaughters grow up a little

Missouri temperatures are rising, and it's too hot to ride the horse any time after 10 in the morning.

The granddaughters get here between 6 and 7 A.M. and leave for school at 7:45, so I can't ride at sunup, which is when I really love to be out and about.  I am, after all, a die-hard morning person.  By the time Cliff and I take our walk, it's already pretty hot.

"Poor me.  I can't ride my horse without suffocating from the heat," I whined to myself.

When my pity-party was over, I realized these girls are 9 and 11 years old.  Cliff is in the house, in bed asleep, so they wouldn't really be alone if an emergency were to arise.  I carry a cell phone when I ride, which gives me a way to check in with them.  The worst possible thing that could happen is that they might start fussing and arguing and wake Cliff up.  And that would only happen once, believe me.

So I rode this morning.  It was wonderful.

Why, oh why, have I waited so long to do this?


  1. Good for you figuring out how to get in that ride while it is cool. Helen

  2. Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful. Glad you figured something out to get your ride in.

  3. What a beautiful ride, as I am sure you will now find more time for this! What an awesome way to start anyday! Glad you enjoyed your sunrise! Have a wonderful day! Take care of you and yours!

  4. Oh I would love a morning ride!  What lovely sun ups you have there in the photos.  I have been thinking of maybe taking the puppies we have on morning walks as well as evening walks.  Hugs,

  5. Thanks for sharing your ride.  My ride in the Silver Streak (my car) just doesn't compare.  'On Ya' - ma

  6. I normally don't mix with those "morning person" people but for you, I'll allow it,

  7. I'm with you!  Morning is the best time to get anything accomplished -- at least in my life.  Beautiful sunrise.

  8. OH MY...That sunrise is absolutely beautiful.............I don't blame you for getting out & riding.                 Hollie

  9. See you can still get your ride in!  Linda

  10. Beautiful sunrise. I am so glad that you are riding in morning again.

  11. That's a great way to start your day. I'm glad you were able to do it.

  12. Isn't it strange how all of a sudden a light comes on and we know we can do something that before we thought we couldn't? Glad you got your nice cool ride. Paula

  13. Oh, I am so happy for you--and also envious!

  14. Good for you!  I think they're old enough to get themselves on their bus.
