Saturday, June 2, 2007

Today's motorcycle ride

Although I spent many of my childhood years not far from Jamesport, Missouri, I had never visited there to see the local sights and eat Amish food. 

When we woke up this morning, we had intentions of attending a certain festival east and south of here.  But the weather in that direction looked pretty wet, so we decided to go north.  It was one of the most pleasant rides we've been on, and the clouds were the star of the show all day long.


  1. What a nice day you had! I loved your pictures! I've never seen Amish folks. I'd love to go see them and buy some of their goodies.
    Have a good night.

  2. OH my gosh, what a beautiful sight.  See ...  I love those wide open spaces!

  3. Sounds like a fun day. Glad you had a nice ride. Hopefully we will get to go riding soon. We have just been soooo busy. We shall see. Take Care

  4. The great thing about Amish restaurants is that there is no "eating lite" section of the menu.  Mennonite joints are the same way.  Dieters beware!!


  5. I guess the Amish (or at least the sector you were visiting) don't have a problem with getting their pictures taken.  I thought they all did... but, maybe that's just a few, or they have changed that practice in the last few years.  At any rate, I enjoyed the pictures!


  6. I could have had a blast at the garage sale.  I love stuff like that.  The pics are gorgeous as usual.

    And no, I don't find it odd that you took a motorcycle ride while your son was having surgery..........You had your cell phones with you.  If there was a problem, you would know just as if you were at home.

  7. It was a beautiful day wasn't it!  
