Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Lathrop tractor show

I started the day by riding my horse.  With temperatures approaching ninety every day, morning is the only time to ride.

Cliff raked hay and then decided we'd ride the motorcycle to the Lathrop, Missouri, tractor show.  First we went to Hub Cycle in Independence to pick up the radio from our motorcycle; they sent it off and got it fixed for us.  We don't use the radio or tape deck, but we do talk a lot using the mikes in our helmets.  And without the radio working, the mikes didn't work.  Once Cliff gets it put back together, we won't have to yell at one another as we ride, to be heard.

I recorded a short clip of a bluegrass band playing at a restored filling station on the grounds:


  1. Very nice.  I enjoy looking at the antique tractors as well as the tractor pulls at the fair every year.  That bluegrass band sure has a nice sound.  Linda

  2. This is about as far from my life as one can get!  LOL!  Last night, I was dressed in drag at the Borgata casino hanging out with the singer from the 80's band "Erasure"!

  3. Now that's a great way to spend some time!

  4. So THAT'S where you were all day!  I was curious, then I turned into you and grandma and got downright worried.  LOL  Glad you had a good day, too.

  5. My dad only has to hear "tractor show" and he's clearing time in his schedule to attend.  I used to HATE being drug along to those things.


  6. the little yard tractor, it looks like an armored vehicle, mount twin .50's on the front and it will keep the trespassers out of  your mushrooms, LOL.
    Looks like a good time was had by all!!!

  7. We went to a tractor pull once and had an amazingly great time!!  Hugs,

  8. Back in the olden days, when I was still working in the car business, I worked at a dealership that sold those little cars.  I think they are 'Metropolitans' made by Nash.  Wow, that was a long time ago.
