Thursday, December 8, 2005

Weekend Assignment

Weekend Assignment #89: What I Really Want

Tis the season to get a little crazy with the wishes:

Weekend Assignment #89: Money is no object: What do you really want for Christmas/Hanukkah/The Seasonal Celebration of Your Choice? Shoot for the moon, here folks. Share the thing you'd want to get if everyone you knew was a billionaire and wanted to spend money on you. One caveat: Don't ask to get celebrities of other people for the purposes of, well, you know. We're trying to keep things PG around here. Also: wishing for world peace is all very nice, but come on. Treat yourself.

I want a different house.  Ideally, I'd like a brand new house, not too big, and all on one level.  Three bedrooms and two baths would be perfect, with a big kitchen and living room.  No den, please.  I want a basement, but the laundry needs to be upstairs. 

Extra Credit: Seriously, what would you do if someone got you that thing?

I'm not real emotional, but I'd probably cry, and then cook them a big meal.

If you'd like to do this assignment, copy and paste the questions, answer them, then leave the link to that entry in the comment section at John Scalzi's journal, so people can discover you.



  1. I don't want to do the assignment.......cause I'm lazy. LOL!
    But I know what you mean about laundry. I can never understand why home builders didn't put the laundry room next to a bedroom because life would be so much easier. : )

  2. Amen to the laundry room being upstairs!!!!  Our clothes might actually get put away if mine were upstairs!!!

  3. Gee, I never thought of doing the laundry upstairs...  Life would be so much easier for me if it was!  Julie

  4. I want what u want.

  5. Santa would need a Rhode Island-sized sleigh.

  6. I'd ask for a screened in porch.  The old fashioned kind.  No mosquitos while I sat and enjoyed the summer evenings!  I do like your laundry upstairs though.  I might have to ask for that too!
