Thursday, December 29, 2005

Poor ole Tude

Tude has had a worrisome limp for some time now.  Adam, his owner, had the vet out weeks ago.  At that time, he kept the horse in the dry lot alone and administered antibiotics, and the limp appeared to go away.

Then it appeared again, and seemed even worse.  One day Tude would seem to be fine, the next he could barely walk.

The vet probed the sole of Tude's foot until he hit the sore spot (and got knocked down for his efforts).

So now, Tude has to be in the stall for two weeks, and can't be ridden for six to eight weeks.

He sure does want out of there!


  1. I agree with you poor thing. Helen

  2. poor baby...and it was nothing he did...just gotta oweeeee....hope he improves real fast...horses were made to run and jump and have fun....Hugs...Ora

  3. Just like kids? soon as they get a little better, they want to be let loose!  Hope he gets better soon and can play and play and play!

  4. Beautiful horse. Hope it gets better real soon.

    Happy New Year to you and yours,

  5. Hello.  I just found your journal as I've been traveling thru J-land.  You have a wonderful journal.  So sad about that dog.  I'm a big animal lover.  Check out my journal some time.
    Missie :)

  6. Love the name.  What does it mean?  I hope Tude gets better soon, before he gets attitude. Loved the pictures. Jail LOL. Barbara

  7. Sounds like ME!   Every once in a while my right hip causes me to limp and then it doesn't.   I'm trying gluclosemine....maybe Trude should too  LOL.

  8. Oh poor Tude.....he looks so forlorn.  And like he is in jail.  I hope he gets better quickly.

  9. Poor Tude.... Our stalls here are a little more open, and the horses don't seem to mind so much when they have to be in. But, it doesn't get so cold here either, we build to keep 'em cool, not warm <g>.

    So, what's wrong with him? At first i thought an abcess, but that wouldn't need antibiotics... just curious.

  10. Poor Trud. Had to clean Crystal's foot twice a day for her sore spot. Think she stepped on a stobe.  Might be what happened with Trud.
