Sunday, December 18, 2005

Patrick's Saturday Six

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment at Patrick's journal, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal at Patrick's so that everyone else can visit!

1. How much of your Christmas shopping and holiday card mailing do you have left to accomplish? When do you expect to finish it if you haven't already?  I only buy for grandchildren, and that tiny bit of shopping is all done.  I have most of my cards sent; there's a stack waiting to be sent tomorrow, and unless I think of someone else (which I probably will) I'm done with them.

2. When giving gifts to co-workers or casual friends, how much importance do you place on the value of the gift you're giving them versus the value of the gift you imagine they're giving you?  I don't buy Christmas gifts for friends and co-workers, nor do I expect gifts from them.  It's all I can do to get something for the grandchildren.

3. What are you secretly hoping someone will give you for Christmas that you haven't specifically asked for?  It would be nice to receive a Jersey heifer calf or a bred Jersey cow.  I won't be getting that though; I don't know anyone who has $1,000 to spare. 

4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): Which Jones Holiday Soda Flavor are you?  I'm Pecan Pie Soda; sweet, but totally nuts.

5. Would you actually try that flavor?  No.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #78 from Carly: If you could step into the life of any fictional Christmas character -- Scrooge, Rudolph, Frost, etc. -- and live that part, which character would you choose and why?  ZuZu in "It's A Wonderful Life".  Because she's young and innocent and believes that "every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings".  Christmas is never as much fun as when you're a child.


  1. Please tell me that all those cards were made by Hallmark!  You don't want my animals to starve in 2006, do you?  LOL  Can't wait to see you and your gorgeous daughter next Monday.  Sim will be there.


  2. Jones has some strange flavors out there this holiday season. I was salmon pate. No way I'm drinking that.

