Friday, December 16, 2005

The bull goes home

THE BULL belonging to Cliff's brother has been here since June; the cows have been bred for some time, but since Phil's cows weren't ready for a boy friend, we figured the least we could do was board him for a few months, in return for his services.

Last year I was afraid to go in the pasture with him anywhere nearby; I've gotten over that fear for the most part, although he has the most unnerving way of staring at a person as long as they're in sight.

He's gotten so big that he could barely squeeze in the sliding door of the trailer; in fact, I think that's the only thing that made him even think twice about hopping in.  Every trailer ride he's ever taken has resulted in hot dates for him, so he ought to be happy about it.

So we now have about six months without THE BULL.  Then it all starts over again. 


  1. for once....I have nothing to say...LOLOLOL....guess that says it all.....LOL...Hugs....Ora

  2. Looks like the Bull has had a good home while visiting. He has put on some weight since the picture when you got him.

  3. When I was 18, I went to a farm.....Now, remember I was a real city kid. One of the farmers let me try to milk a cow. I wanted to milk the smaller one at the end of the barn. He started to laugh. It was a bull. I thought ALL bulls were black.....Would you believe it? LOL! It was brown and white......and of course, had different equipment that I failed to notice. LOL!

  4. If you keep writing about the bull your going to have to give your journal PG-13 rating.  lol  

  5. LOL!  Very clever.  My father raised on a farm in Nova Scotia came to the US and began working at a local farm.  He was the 'bull tender'.  I remember well visiting that farm at a very early age and watching him 'handle the bulls'.  Sadly, the farm is now an industrial park.  Progess -- phooey!

  6. Awww the life of a bull...  :)

  7. Enjoy the bull-less walks across the field.  LOL.
