Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wednesday diet report

Although I had warned Cliff that, after last weeks huge water-weight loss, we'd be lucky if we lost anything this week... he's seems a bit disappointed that he gained 1 1/2 pounds.  His blood pressure is up, too:  144/87.  However, as those of you who have dealt with BP problems know, it can flutuate for no reason at all.

We also had the obstacle of a big Christmas dinner.

As for me, I lost one whole pound.  But watch out next week.  I'll bet we both lose two or three pounds.


  1. Congrats to you....and I'm sure you'll keep Cliff moving.  1 1/2 pounds over Christmas week is really not bad.  I haven't been near the scale....

  2. That positive thoughts you have about losing is half the battle...keep up the good work....Hugs...Ora

  3. I would bet you both do it. helen

  4. I wish I had your determination.  I just ate a big bowl of sausage gumbo and potato salad.

  5.    I usually tell people who report that they've LOST some weight not to look for it ... because I've FOUND it!
       GOOD LUCK!

  6. I'm sure the Christmas meal was the culprit. Hang in there. rich

  7. Frieda’s BP has been driving us nuts. Figure hers is multy faceted: Doc and hospital Anxieties, medications, PAIN, and too much Holiday salt intake.
    You guys might examine what you’re doing different to raise BP. Me, I’d probably have a coronary just climbing onto a Motor! Fernan
