Thursday, December 15, 2005

my message boards

I go to message boards, you know.  People don't like other people, so they go to "private" message boards to badmouth the people they don't like on the "other" message board.

Someone on the first message board (not me, but it could have been) stays out of all the arguments and such, but she is a friend of someone that "some of them" don't care for.

She's religious.  So on the private message board, someone calls her the "church lady".

Next thing you know, somebody from the private message board wants prayers.  And goes to the "main message board" asking.

I'd bet the "church lady" will be on the front lines, praying.  Even though they made fun of her on the private board.

Isn't this childish?  I'm about to give up on message boards; and possibly the human race.


  1. People ridicule things which they don't understand...we must pray for such idiots.

  2. People ridicule things which they don't understand...we must pray for such idiots.

  3. It is childish. I used to frequent message boards until AOL changed the format of them and then it took too long to access them and I didn't have the time. So I started journaling instead.

    I think the saddest thing is people ask for prayer, but they don't sometimes understand exactly who they are praying to or have a relationship with God.


  4. oops...I guess I had to say it twice. LOL

  5. I think message boards are the meanest places on AOL. Even when there are nice people, there's always one who tries to make others look dumb. I read them but I don't write in them very often.


  6.  Don t give up Mo, people can be so dissappointing, but many good ones out there.  Recent I had a friend turn her back on me, so know it can be painful.
    We need you to keep writing in your journal and tell us how it is.

  7. I can understand it.  I tried the supposedly Christian message boards on AOL for about two weeks.......most of what I saw was anger and bickering fired back and forth.  Very little fellowship.  I've found more encouragement and sisterhood on the pages of j-land.  -  Barbara

  8. I wouldn't blame you.  Sounds like girls in elementary school!

  9. Don't ever let a few bad apples ruin your fun.  Besides, I would miss you.  :(

  10. I could just never 'get in' to the message boards although I'm not sure why.  Childish behavior on their part.  You are of course, correct, the church lady will be right there in the front lines offering her prayers.  

  11. Never got into message boards -- guess that's a blessing, 'cause I just can't stand the kind of "goings on" you have described. But I love J-Land !! :)

  12. I didn't even know there were private message boards. Don't give up...seems some people just need to act like that to make themselves feel better.

  13. Don't give up. Let at those 2 sweeties you have. Remember they are the future.

  14. People are ridiculous sometimes. Especially on the internet.

  15. I think those places just breed crazies! I stay away. rich

  16. Don't be quiting on me Mo. You were my inspiration to try this journal thing. I was bad mouthed at the start my coming on the message boards until I was figured out. Then those what figured me out, got run off. And while I tried again to stir things up in my fashion with good clean calender girls, my whole lifestill came under attack. Hope we may still remain friends and chat personally now and then, as I do with a few other good souls. And boy, do they gouge me, without running away. May God bless.

  17. Oh my gosh yeah...the message boards suck! I've dealt with nonsense like this too. I left the boards long ago because of it.

  18. For some reason, people don't like church ladies.  Not sure why.  I suppose it's all a psychological thing.  Do they think they are being judged?  (Maybe they are) Or reminds them they need to be in church themselves.  Oh well.  I will never forget that entry I made about the pagan graphics.  I still get comments on that one entry.  Boy, people don't like it when you speak up, but I'm glad I did.
    I don't like drama though.  I have enough of that being a Mom.  LOL.  I'm sure the message boards are interesting though.  Is it on AOL?

  19. I used to visit message boards, long before I started my journal, and I stopped just for that reason.  The pettiness, cattiness and back stabbing.  I don't care to be a part of that kind of thing.  It's mean and hurtful and serves no useful purpose, other than to hurt peoples feelings.


  20. Oh you won't give up on the human race.  You're just a little fed up cause we're so fickle.  After you rest a while you will be back in there with your optimism full blast.  Take a nap.  Kiss a child.  REST
