Saturday, December 24, 2005

Just checking in

I've been cooking, as I imagine many here in J-land have.  The desserts are made:  pumpkin pie, Oreo Dessert, and Ann Landers' Pecan pie.  I had to stop in the middle of making the pecan pie when I realized I had no sugar and no brown sugar.

"Cliff, call Rachel and see if she has any brown sugar on hand... and sugar, too."

When nobody answered at home, he dialed her cell and caught her at Walmart.  How convenient is that?  Anyhow, the pie crust and pecan pie filling had to wait until my daughter brought my essential ingredients.

Digging through the deep freeze looking for a couple of boxes of Cool-Whip, I saw a package of pork neck bones and decided to make soup for mine and Cliff's lunch.  Cheap and easy.  And mighty tasty, as it turned out.  Plus, there were bones for Mandy and Buddy to chew on when it was done.

We wanted to take a walk today, but it's been really a miserable-looking, drippy day.  We've had light rain ever since before I got up this morning. 

Cliff spent more time inside that he usually does, since there's nothing he could do outside.  At least he got to see the Kansas City Chiefs win, for a change.

My Georgia granddaughter, Lyndsay, called to thank us for her Christmas present.  I mailed it Monday, and it arrived today... just in the nick of time.

OK, I'm off to make a few deviled eggs.  The rest of tomorrow's meal will wait until tomorrow.

About our diets?  We're going to enjoy the meal tomorrow, while trying not to stuff ourselves too much.  The leftovers will be sent with anyone who will take them.  If nobody wants the pecan pie, I'm sorry, but it will be dumped in the trash.  I'm not safe with a pecan pie in the house.

But at least I'll have had my one piece, for the year.


  1. Do you really think that there is ANYTHING that we won't gladly take?  I will be home from work until Thursday with the kids, and not cooking is sounding pretty darn good to me.

  2. LOL...takers???  I just bet there will be more than you will have to send LOLOL...Merry Christmas to all.....Hugs Ora and Mixon

  3. Merry Christmas, Mosie.  You are a gift to my life......and to many, many other lives as well.  I treasure your friendship.


  4. Merry Christmas to you and Cliff!!... have a wonderful "full-filling" day! heh, sorry couldn't resist!

  5. You can send that leftover pecan pie to: .........don't I wish? rich

  6. I'll take some left overs home no problem.  lol
