Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just horsin' around

After hearing the forecast for the next two days (rain), I knew I'd better grab a horseback ride.  Cliff and I took our walk, I played with Libby awhile, and then off I went.  I'm afraid I wasn't very stylish in my Carhart coveralls and black stocking cap, but I was warm. 

At one point I had to seek out a wooded area for a "pit stop"... no easy matter when a lady is wearing coveralls over her jeans.  As we approached the spot I'd chosen, I said, "Blue, time for a pee."

I had just assumed the position when Blue decided he'd pee too!  I guess you'd have had to be there, but it was so funny to me, as though he'd understood what I said.

I've spent over an hour with Libby today, all told, and she isn't nearly as touchy as she was yesterday.  I got to thinking about her trip here:  we don't have a horse trailor; we brought her home in a livestock trailor, which allows quite a bit of bumping and bruising, even if the animal is tied up.  I'm betting she has some sore spots, and that's why she was touchy yesterday.  She allowed me to handle a lot bigger area of her body today.  I sing to her while I pet and brush her, because supposedly it's good for a horse to hear your voice.  And I run out of conversation if I try to keep talking.  Singing works out just fine.  I believe Libby especially liked "Amazing Grace".  (Just kidding, of course.)  I led her around later and let her graze quite a bit.

The problem we had with Tude chasing her is a thing of the past.  The horses got acquainted through the fence yesterday and last night, and when I let the big horses in the lot this morning, there was only a very little jostling for pecking order.  Once we teach Libby about electric fences, she'll be able to run with the big guys.

Days don't come much better than this.


  1. Looks like a beautiful day.

    Hey - I know that park by the river.  :o)  Wonderful area.

  2. I agree...You had a perfect day!

  3. Now that's what I call a perfect day! Another of your stolen days!

  4. I am glad that Tude has accepted Libby. I bet she was sore from all that bumping around in the trailer. I know what a problem it is to take a pit stop wearing coveralls over overalls. I used to do that when I went hunting. Sounds like a perfect day and looks like one also. Helen

  5. I'm always glad you share your horse ride, I'd love to be out on a beautiful fall day in the country.  This way I get a little bit o' heaven .  I work inside, go home and stay inside - too cold for me.  'On Ya' - ma

  6. I have actually been there on the subject of peeing!  I was about an hour from home and knew I wasn't going to make it.  As soon as I was in the position, he started peeing.  I was greatly amused!

  7. I always love your "horse tales", Donna.  Makes me want to go along.  Blessings, Penny http://journals.aol.com/firestormkids04/FromHeretoThere

  8. We have a stock trailor and a horse trailor. We use the stock trailor. The horses seem to like it better.

  9. Had to laugh at the "pee" time! That was pretty good!  Hey, he figured if you were gonna go, he should take the opportunity too! ;)  Your new girl is very pretty.  I always enjoy reading about your horses...I am learning more every day about them.  They are certainly a creature all their own.  You make friends fast when you find their itchy spots...I know that for sure! Shelby is growing in her confidence again with Derby.  Glad to hear everyone is getting along well. :)

  10. Glad you are happy with Libby.....and are enjoying your days with her and Blue....what a life....just great...isn't it???  just doesn't get any better than this.....hugs from ky....Ora

  11. Awww Blue likes to run with trains. Thats cute. Paula

  12. Oh, the peeing story is hilarious. I know that they understand what you were doing.

    My kids are at the stable's Halloween party right now. I should have gone and taken pictures but I am happy to be home alone for once..
