Sunday, October 15, 2006

MINE!!! It's all MINE!

Last year I did an entry about my lucky sweatshirt (hoodie, as they're now called)  Click HERE to see the entry.  My son came home from basic training wearing the shirt, and I fell in love with it... and have loved it ever since.  I've looked on E-bay for one with the same saying, but with no luck.  Besides, this one has my last name on it.  That's part of what makes it special.

So, we were heading out for a walk Friday morning.  The temperatures were near freezing, so I grabbed my coat.  Cliff took my red sweatshirt off the hook and said, "You aren't going to wear this, are you?"

"Well, no... but I just bought you a hooded sweatshirt at Walmart."

"I know, but I'm going to be working in the shop, and I don't want to get that one greasy." 

Huh?  So you're going to get MY lucky shirt greasy?

I let it pass; but, yesterday, he put the shirt on again.  And wore it all day long. 

Come on, folks, the shirt is over twenty years old.  If it falls apart from age, I want to be the one wearing it at the time.

We had some fun fighting over it, along with granddaughter Amber.

And when the dogs are begging food, they don't care what anybody's wearing.


  1. Your shirt still looks all comfortable and warm. Great pictures of the one who is wearing it. He looks as though he is having a lot of fun. Helen

  2. I see your shirt survived and hopefully will have many years of warmth left for you - we all have our favorites and it's hard to share sometimes.  I love to snack on those quakes too !  It's been freezing here in the mornings too !  'On Ya' - ma

  3. You only have yourself to blame!  6 months ago, it wouldn't have fit him!

  4. Hello~
    Isn't it funny how we get attached to certain pieces of clothing? LOL I have a hoodie sweatshirt like yours that is now 9 years old. It's from Bob's youngest boys days of playing football in his senior year. It has "Hug High School" and it's grey and I LOVE that sweathshirt so much!!

    Thanks for this entry and the cute pictures!


  5. I vote with you there are somethings we just dont wont to share LOL

  6. What are quakes and do they taste good? I wouldn't want grease on my shirt either. Paula

  7. That is so sweet...I hope one day soon I'll be fighting my love for my favorite shirt.  You are so fortunate!

  8. Hide it,  Mo,  hide it!  That's the only way....

  9. Forgot to say...that shirt certainly doesn't look that old.

  10. I've a baby blue sweatshirt that I feel like that with....I'm quite sure I would be a looney if I shared can share anything else...I should consider framing it and saying "I got issues" at the looooooooovvvvvvvee that shirt...Great photos....I think you should be the one to ware out your shirt...

  11. Oh I do love favorite shirts and especially hoodies!!  Amber is adorable!!  Hubby looks so contented there in his chair with his snack and your shirt.  LOL.  Hugs,
