Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yeah, we're still sick

Cliff went to work, simply because he said he didn't want to spend another evening sitting around watching TV.  We both have fevers.  I'll wait until Friday; if I'm not better by then, I'll go see the doctor.

We heard from the rural water company.  They won't put us on the closest two-inch line because it's already tapped out.  However, there's a five-inch line less than four hundred feet from here.  Only trouble is, we'll have to pay half the expense to get the line run up here.

We'll see what the cost is, and if it's too much, we'll simply hook onto our well and get a water-softener.  Wish us luck. 

I've found myself rooting for Hillary this evening, which surprises me.

Just shows you, until you're backed into a corner you don't know WHO you'll root for.

But then, I'm sick.


  1. your right sometimes dont make mind up til last second in ballot boxhope you feel better soon God Bless...Sue

  2. Maybe you need to go ahead and go to the doctor and when you go tell the doc to give you enough for Cliff too!
    Don't let it go on too long, okay?
    God bless and keep you both,
    love ya,

  3. Mosie, hope you and Cliff feel better soon, Woo-hoo on Hillary doing good, Hugs Lisa

  4. I hope you can get the water run but a four inch line might have too much pressure. You will need a water regulater of course. I hope you both get to feeling much better real soon. Maybe you won't have to go to the Dr. Helen

  5. LOL LOL LOL......Your fever is getting the best of you!  But I do understand.  I've been known to watch one candidate and say "Yes that's it", turn right around watch the other one and say "Yes that's it".  Hope you don't have a fever this November.  LOL LOL LOL

  6. I've been rootin' for her.  I don't know how it will end up but we'll see...Hope today finds you rid of that fever.  3 days is my rule.  If it's not gone by 3 days you need an antibiotic to help you kick it.  'On Ya' - ma

  7. I hope you can get on that water line. I know that was one thing you were looking forward to. I hope you are going to feel better and dont have to go to the doctor. I just hate having to go to the doctor.

  8. I hope it doesn't cost too much to get the water line run there for you.  I know it can be so expensive to put one of those in.  But I also know how much you want to get away from your hard water.  Feel better!

  9. WOW I'm so sorry you guys are STILL sick!  That would so suck to have a fever that long!  I can't blame your hubby for going to work...just wanting to get things back to normal I'm sure.  Good luck with the water!  
