Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I think I'll live

Aspirin has been my best friend today.  As long as I take a couple of them every five hours, my temperature stays at normal (that would be under 97 degrees) and I don't feel too awful.  Now you would think I'd take advantage of the fact I'm feeling better to do some things around this filthy house, but no.  Instead, I use my energy for hunting morel mushrooms.  It's been interesting.  I've only found three morels, but I've found ticks galore and met a couple of interesting snakes.  Click HERE to read about that.

Rain is in the forecast, which means it'll be that much longer until we get to move our mobile home onto our property.  I've learned, though, to never curse the rain.

Now playing: Ramblin' Jack Elliott - Talkin' Fishin'
via FoxyTunes   


  1. Glad you are better.   We really do need to be thankful for the rain.  Everything needs it this time of year to make things grow.  Last year it was so dry that in many places they still have a water shortage.   I hope you enjoyed those mushrooms.  'On Ya'  - ma

  2. Glad that you are feeling some better. I for one do not like any kind of snakes. I bet Sadie had fun chasing it. I am surprised that you didn't seen any more mushroom hunters. Those arrow heads looked interesting. Helen

  3. OK, here it is:  I am SOOO mad at you!  LOL, OK, not really.  BUT, every time someone gripes about how much it's rained lately, I say, "Never curse the rain.  I NEVER curse the rain."  Many roll their eyes, but even more say, "You're right."  I have turned into you.  Happy?????  LOL

  4. WooHoo for messy houses!!! :-P


  5. I love morels, called "hickory chickens" or "dry-land fish" around here.  If my father were still living, he'd be calling to invite us down for a breakfast of them one day soon -- and he'd probably proudly display a bag of 20 or 30 of them.  One year he found 90!!!  But that was a long time ago.

  6. We are getting SNOW on sunday!  EEKS!  

  7. I agree you gotta take the rain when you can get it. I'm wishing for it tonight because I put weed and feed on my yard. It seems to always come when its not convienent but I guess you get to savor your excitement over your new home longer. Paula

  8. Hope you are feeling all better by now!

