Tuesday, April 22, 2008

night-time thunderstorm

I woke up sometime in the wee hours of the morning to quite a racket.  Yes, thunder and rain... but something I don't usually hear.  It was hail hitting the house!  Sadie was scared to death by the racket, and I thought about how terrified the horses probably were, out in the open with half-inch hail hitting them.  I'll bet they ran like crazy.

Cliff and I have decided this is more than a cold that we're suffering from.  We're both running fevers, and have terrible coughing and chest congestion.  Must be flu.  He got a flu shot last fall, I did not.   He says he feels considerably better this morning, but he hasn't gotten out of bed yet.  I gave in and took a couple of Tylenols a while ago; I know fever serves a useful purpose, but I'm tired of feeling lousy.  Besides, my morning coffee doesn't taste good when I have a fever. 

I had intended to get up and watch some old "Without a Trace" episodes early this morning, but I just didn't have the energy to get out of bed.

So, that's my daily whine.  Hopefully I'll get on the mend soon... spring has finally arrived, and I don't like feeling lousy when I could be out taking pictures of trespassers picking my morel mushrooms.


  1. I've known several people who had that flu and it takes a good 5 days to run it's course it seems.  Take care and rest !  'On Ya' - ma

  2. Feel better!  Vicki

  3. oh ya what a terrible time to be sick!   LOL at the trespassers picking your mushrooms!  Do they really do taht?  

  4. aw you poor things!  Stay in bed and get your rest.

  5. I take senior multi vitamin, Vit. C---50mg and Zinc daily. I did get the flu shot. Even my allergies are non-existent this spring with mold spores at 3410----HIGH!
    I know you will not do these things but just wanted others`to know what helps me.

  6. We didn't get a storm here over night, weird.

  7. Awwwwwww hope you feel better, there are 2 Cold Cases on again tonight at 4 :00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on TNT, Hugs Lisa

  8. I sure hope you and Cliff aren't getting that bad flu that so many of us Jlanders have had.  Cough, chest congestion, fever, body aches..... and it just takes FOREVER to go away.  You take that Tylenol, Donna!  Don't sit there and feel "lousy" as you put it.  That fever can serve all the purpose it wants to, but if I can drop a couple Tylenol and feel "better", it beats "lousy" any day!

    Get well soon, my Countryfied friend! :)


  9. I was thinking last week it was about mushroom time. I hope you and Cliff will get well soon. Helen

  10. Hope you both feel better soon.  Yum morel mushrooms....what a treat !

  11. Ya should shoot those Morel treaspasseres like they do out in the great northwest!

  12. Hope you are feeling some better by now Mosie......and Cliff too of course...
    love ya,

  13. I hope yall get well soon. Being sick when it is sunny and warm outside is no fun at all. I am with you, I take pills for my fever. A fever really can drag you down.

  14. I hope you are both feeling much better by today.  This is a bad time of year to be under the weather.

  15. Perking up yet? I am so far behind.....xoxo
