Wednesday, April 9, 2008

plans don't always become reality

Here was part of the meme I did this morning:


1. Take a muddy walk in the pasture with Cliff.

2.  Get a load of clothes washed.

3.  Work with Libby.

4.  Fix dinner (that's the noon meal, around here).

5.  possibly ride Blue

Only number one was accomplished; we did take our usual walk, and it wasn't as muddy as expected, considering we got almost three inches of rain yesterday.

Then we checked the weather forecast and noticed that today it would be near 60 for a high; after that, down goes the temperature and here comes the rain, wind and hail... and possibly snow.

So at 10 A.M. we set out on a motorcycle ride.  We made lots of stops.  The first place, we talked to a lady who makes decals and signs to put on vehicles.  We found her busily working on several that will be going on a race car.

We looked at different fonts, decided on one, and ordered the decal we'll put on the back of our white motorcycle, on the trunk:  "White Lightnin'".  Of course I'll take a picture to show you, when Cliff gets it done.  Shouldn't every motorcycle have a name?  (I picked it!)

By the time we'd traveled the countryside for an hour and came back through Higginsville, it was lunch time and we were passing our favorite Pizza Hut. 

We went to our new bank and opened a savings  account.  We stopped in at Walmart, but they didn't have what Cliff was looking for.  We came home to use the facilities and drink coffee, Cliff called work to take a paid day off, and then we set out to another Walmart where Cliff found what he wanted (a license-plate holder for his motorcycle). 

So... I did not cook a noon meal, I did not work with Libby or ride Blue.  We sure had fun, though. 

I think I'll go wash that load of clothes right now, just so I can say I accomplished two of my goals.


  1. Well at least you had fun!  Can't wait to see pics of your newly named mo mo bike!  What a perfect name!  

  2. Love, love, love that name.  Did you see Thunder Road in the 50's?  Your day turned out better than planned in my opinion!

  3. LOL LOL
    I think you probably enjoyed the day that you DIDN"T plan better than the one you did!!! I love the name you sure fits!!!
    So glad Cliff took the day off..made it that much more fun didn't it???
    Good for you!!!
    love ya,

  4. Sounds like what you did was a lot better than what you had planned. I never got around to getting any potted plants as I looked at the long range forcast and saw in a few days it would get cold enough to frost. Who wants to cover up flowers to protect them? Helen

  5. It sounds like you got a lot accomplished, though, and had fun doing it!

  6. See, this is where you revise your To-Do list and remove the stuff you didn't do and replace it with all the stuff you did. Then, you accomplished a lot! LOL

  7. We gave Ryan our white car and she named it 'Lupe'.  Our mechanic nephew calls it 'dirty whore' though.....LOL

    I gotta get on my laundry, too.  eesh.


  8. just wanted 2 say "HI"
    i stopped by 2 read your blog....
    hope u have a great day!


  9. Sounds like a nice life whether you keep to a list or not lol.  And VERY nice to see another Johnny Cash fan around.  CATHY

  10. Just so you get the clothes washed so you can go again when the mood hits. Have fun you two. Paula

  11. it appears to me that the day you didn't plan turned out better than the planned one...and two trips to two different about luck!!!!!????  LOL...hugs...Ora

  12. Sounds like you had fun to me!

  13. Your actual "did" list was longer than your starting "to do" list!

